Auto Exec Wins Karaoke Marathon

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 1, 2001, 7:24 PM

N E W   Y O R K, July 2 -- After an all-night long karaoke marathon at its Times Square studio, Good Morning America showed you five finalists who managed to out-sing the rest.

And now, we have a winner.

Derek Leggins, a 48-year-old Philadelphia auto executive who wooed the Times Square crowd with his smooth delivery of "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine" by Lou Rawls apparently dazzled the viewers at home too.

He handily won the vote, with votes pouring in from across the country all day Friday. The prize: a new karaoke machine, and a chance to sing the national anthem at a game of the Brooklyn Cyclones (new single-A farm team for the New York Mets).

And, of course, he also was able to sing on Broadway during Monday's show, at the Good Morning America studio at 1500 Broadway in Times Square.

"I've been a long time doing this, waiting on a break," said Leggins, who would love to sing professionally. He has been singing since he was a child, where he started in the church choir.

Here are the five finalists:

Karaoke 1: Bill Cronin, 38, maintenance foreman from Pennsylvania, sang "Just a Gigolo" by David Lee Roth.

Karaoke 2: Erica Leigh Boseski, 15, high school student from Fairlawn, N.J. sang Shania Twain's "Man, I Feel Like a Woman."

Karaoke 3: Derek Leggins, 48, auto executive from Pennsylvania, sang "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine" by Lou Rawls.

Karaoke 4: Ayanna Gabriel, 28, enrollment sales representative from Brooklyn, N.Y., sang "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston.

Karaoke 5: Christine Julia, 27, concierge from New Jersey, sang Donna Summers' "Last Dance."