Women Who Binge Behind the Wheel Court Danger

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 7, 2001, 4:53 PM

N E W  O R L E A N S,  May 8 -- Who hasn't been stressed out while driving and pulled over at a fast food restaurant for a bite? But what if you couldn't stop eating in the car?

New research on eating behavior in the car shows that some people are actually bingeing and purging while driving stuffing themselves with food and then vomiting it back up, all the while piloting their car through traffic.

It's a disturbing and potentially dangerous combination, a disorder that is just now beginning to receive attention from medical experts.

The study, administered by Dr. James Mitchell of the Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, shows that 73 percent of the participants all of whom suffer from eating disorders admitted to bingeing while driving.

Sixteen percent of those who binged said they follow it up by purging. Some pull over first; others vomit into a container, while keeping one eye on the road.

Mitchell, the lead author of the study Eating Behavior While Driving a Car, says there were only 26 participants involved in the study, but it allows researchers to get a sense of how common the problem is among people with existing disorders. The Neuropsychiatric Research Institute says Mitchell will continue the study and he is recruiting more participants.

Privacy on the Road

Dr. Walter Kaye, one of the nation's leading authorities on eating disorders and a professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School, says he is not that surprised by Mitchell's study. After all, he notes, the car can be the perfect place for with bulimia or other eating disorders to hide their behavior.

"People who binge and purge are secretive about their behavior," says Kaye. They don't want other people to know that they are doing it and the car may be the most convenient place to be alone, because they afford a good degree of privacy.

Although the new study does not determine how many accidents may have been caused by "car bingeing," Kaye says it is certainly distracting 20 percent of participants admit to unsafe driving due to their bingeing.