Boy's Brutal Beating Caught on Tape

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 12, 2004, 11:28 AM

J A C K S O N V I L L E, Fla., Feb. 12 -- Several children have been transferred and a school bus driver placed on administrative leave after a student's beating was recorded on a school bus video surveillance camera in Florida.

The victim, Si' Mone Small, 12, a student at Landon Middle School, was sitting in a front row seat of the bus when several boys approached him from behind last week.

The video reveals an older boy walking towards Si' Mone's seat. After he motions others to follow, they proceed to hit him with punch after punch, some straight to the small boy's head.

The video reveals that more than 30 punches were thrown by the main instigator. The other boys laughed and punched Si' Mone as well. The whole time Si' Mone sat in his seat, holding back the tears.

In an interview nearly a week after the attack, Si' Mone could no longer hold back the tears. He cried as he explained what the beating had done to him.

"I have migraines and so it felt like I was about to pass out or something, and it was painful," Si' Mone said.

The video reveals that Si' Mone's beating continued until the school bus driver finally ordered the boys back to their seats.

Because he allegedly failed to react when the beating began, the driver has been put on administrative leave, without pay, pending the outcome of the investigation.

As parents flood the Duval County school system with angry phone calls over the incident, school administrators have promised to prevent such attacks in the future.

"I was absolutely appalled and I want you to know I just got off the phone with the superintendent and he was outraged by this," said Nancy Snyder, the chief of staff for the superintendent of the Duval County System.

Si' Mone's attackers, who range in age from 13 to 15 years old, have been transferred out of Landon Middle School and placed at other schools. Some of them may face battery charges.

Si' Mone has also transferred to a different school out of fear. He says he's scared of being attacked again and his mother, Sashemia Small, says she's happy about the change.

"It's great. It's past great. It's wonderful," she said of Si' Mone's transfer.