The Teen Who Would Be a Martyr

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2006, 7:41 AM

April 12, 2006— -- Most Americans think of 13-year-old girls as being carefree -- watching movies, having sleepovers, discussing their first crush.

However, a lot weighs on the mind of Shawkia Shawa, who is growing up in the war-torn Gaza Strip. Her father, Ayman, is serving five life prison sentences for planning attacks against Israelis. She rarely sees him -- only three or four times a year.

Growing up in the Gaza Strip is not easy. The territory is under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority but remains under Israeli control. Its desire to be independent is an ongoing conflict that Shawkia knows all too well.

She was only a year old when her father was jailed, and his absence has left a huge void, she said. She has wonderful friends, but Shawkia said she is unhappy and misses her father, whom she regards as a hero.

She believes in what her father did and said that she too would be willing to join the ranks of Palestinian suicide bombers, or martyrs as she calls them.

"If they asked me to carry out an operation, I would," she said. "Definitely, I would do it. My father was fighting for his land. I should do the same, too. Who wouldn't wish to do something like this? Everyone would love to fight and defend their country."

Like many children in countries of crisis, unrest and war, Shawkia strives for a regular carefree life.

She studies English at school and wants to excel. Her favorite class is gymnastics. She enjoys playing volleyball with her friends but must play wearing the hijab or Islamic head scarf because in Islamic Gaza, women have to be covered from head to toe, even in gym class. Shawkia said she liked wearing it because it's the duty of every Muslim woman.

She enjoys cooking with her mother. Her favorite food is kabsa, which is rice, raisins and chicken.

She and her sister go to school in shifts. Shawkia's school day ends before noon. Her walk home is the only time she sees her friends. They do a special handshake to end each day.