Signs Your Beau Is Bad News

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 8, 2006, 9:55 AM

June 8, 2006 — -- We're all familiar with bad boys -- the guys you hate to love but find irresistible.

There are hip and hot Hollywood bad boys of the moment -- like actor Colin Farrell and Britney Spears' husband Kevin Federline -- and then there are the quintessential cool, bad-boy characters everyone fondly remembers, like Fonzie on "Happy Days" and the sly but sexy thief portrayed by Brad Pitt in "Thelma and Louise."

But there's a big difference between a celebrity bad boy, a fictional bad-boy character, and a dangerous man in real life.

For some women, that difference can be hard to spot. Bad boys appear charming to mostly everyone, but are really different people living a web of lies.

Scott Peterson, who was described as a perfect, handsome gentleman by friends, is sitting on death row for killing his pregnant wife, Laci, and unborn son. Robert Chambers, the so-called "Preppy Murderer," served almost 15 years in prison for strangling Jennifer Levin in New York City's Central Park after meeting her in an Upper East Side bar.

So how can you tell the good guys from the bad?

Psychiatrist Keith Ablow offered these tips on specific things to look for to see whether you were dating a man who might harm you -- physically or psychologically.

Some women may see these signs and gloss over them because they want to believe in the romance of the situation, but these tips from Ablow could save your life.