Schwarzenegger 'Hot' Latino Comment Caught on Tape

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 8, 2006, 7:19 AM

Sept. 8, 2006 — -- According to an recently surfaced audiotape, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks one Hispanic California assemblywoman is "very hot."

In a six-minute audiotape obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Schwarnegger's staffers tried to guess Latino legislator Bonnie Garcia's country of origin. Schwarzenegger said her origin didn't matter.

"I mean, they are all very hot. ... They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it," he says..

Schwarzenegger went on to say his friend, Cuban-born former weightlifter Sergio Oliva, is the same way.

The governor knew a tape recorder was rolling during the meeting.

A spokeswoman for Schwarzenegger said the conversation was in good fun. The remarks, she said, were taken out of context.

Garcia herself said that she is not bothered at all by Schwarzenegger's comments. She said she has an inside joke with the governor in which she calls herself a "hot-blooded Latina" who is passionate about issues.

Garcia also said that she likes Schwarzenegger because he's a straight talker.