Gore: Media Strangles Democracy

How can we return to the political conversation? The Web, the former VP says.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 10:16 PM

May 22, 2007 — -- The media, particularly television, is strangling democracy by not allowing the average person to get more involved in the political conversation, former Vice President Al Gore told "Good Morning America" anchor Diane Sawyer.

As TV news becomes more and more obsessed with shallow topics such as Paris Hilton, politicians talk in sound bites recommended by media manipulators, Gore said, which causes democracy to lose its muscle as the public becomes virtually hypnotized by four-and-a-half hours of passive TV viewing every day.

"Democracy is a conversation, and what made American democracy in the first place over 200 years ago was a new way of communicating that involved average people in the conversation," he said. "People listen, but they don't have an opportunity to take part in the conversation, and one of the principal reasons why Americans feel they don't have a role to play, their vote doesn't count, their voice isn't heard is because it is mainly a one-way conversation over television. It's beginning to change, and that's the good news."

Gore even evoked chickens becoming paralyzed by fear and repetitive motion and said TV makes people passive.

"Being in the television business one of the most valuable things you can have is a time slot following a hit show because even with a remote, there [are] millions of us who'll sit and watch a show and be sufficiently immobilized by it that you can't even move a thumb muscle," he said. "Anybody who has spent time growing up on a farm has probably had that experience [of hypnotizing chickens with repetitive movements], but the point is larger than that. The point is that instead of engaging in a free and vigorous discussion that anybody can take part in, instead now candidates for office and those who want to influence public opinion use these sophisticated propagandistic techniques to try to give emotional impressions and sort of, you know, try and herd people this way or that."

Then Gore turned the tables on Sawyer, asking her the difference between news and entertainment.