Man Questioned in Case of Missing Pregnant Woman

No one has heard from Jessie Davis, who is due to give birth in one week.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 19, 2007, 7:34 AM

June 19, 2007 — -- Ohio authorities questioned and searched the home of an Ohio police officer Monday in the investigation into the disappearance of a woman who is nine months pregnant.

Authorities said that Officer Bobby Cutts was not a suspect in Jessie Davis' disappearance and that he was cooperating with investigators.

Cutts, who is married but now separated from another woman, is the father of Davis' 2-year-old son, Blake, and her unborn child. Cutts' wife knew Davis was having his baby.

Police also have yet to classify the 26-year-old's disappearance as an abduction. Her mother, Patty Porter, reported Davis missing Friday, after she arrived at Davis' home and found her grandson alone and the house ransacked.

A chilling 911 phone call from Porter displayed her panic after she made the terrifying discovery:

Porter told the operator that Davis was not in her home and that her son was there alone.

"She didn't leave him alone! My God, something's wrong! She's due in two weeks and she's just missing. Her car's here, her purse, and her house is trashed and she's not here!" Porter frantically said on the call.

When found, Blake was soiled and hungry. He continued repeating strange phrases like, "Mommy's in the rug" and "Mommy broke the table."

Davis' bedroom appeared to have been ransacked, but her purse remained in the house, according to authorities.

"The comforter was gone," Porter said. "The mattress was pushed half off, and it had knocked the end table over and the lamp over. And there was bleach poured over the floor. And at that point I just began screaming at the top of my lungs."

As Davis' story hits the airwaves, her mother refuses to give up hope.

"When I see her picture on the television set, sometimes I think, 'Oh my God. What a beautiful girl.' And then it hits you. That's my girl.'"

Davis' family said she had planned to name her unborn daughter Chloe.

Today, police and dozens of volunteers will resume searching the area near Davis' home. Investigators said they had found no leads so far and had no suspects.