McCanns Return to England to Await Word From Police

Forensic evidence found in car so far inconclusive, say Portuguese police.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 12, 2009, 7:07 AM

Sept. 11, 2007 — -- In the latest twist in the case of missing British girl Madeleine McCann, Portuguese police issued a statement this morning saying they cannot confirm they found the 4-year-old's DNA in the trunk of her parents' rental car, as had been widely reported.

Each new development seems to cast a shadow on Madeleine's mother, Kate McCann, who is now considered a suspect in her daughter's disappearance.

"They've taken her! They've taken her!"

Those were reportedly Kate McCann's first words when she discovered Madeleine's hotel bed empty while on vacation in Portugal.

But who are "they"? Are Kate McCann's words suspicious or just the naturally hysterical reaction of a mother who has lost her child?

That's the kind of question now being asked of the mother who has embodied every parent's worst nightmare as she campaigned for information about her missing daughter.

Many people are asking, who is Kate McCann?

Kate married Gerry McCann in 1998 and struggled to have children. Madeleine was born in 2003 after in vitro fertilization treatment. The McCanns also have 2-year-old twins.

"We are very lucky to have Sean and Amelie. They are really helping us through this difficult time," Kate said of the twins recently.

Both Kate and Gerry are physicians she's a general practitioner who works part time and he's a cardiologist.

Both are also devout Catholics, Kate in particular. She even took Madeleine's picture to be blessed by the pope.

Throughout the search, she has clutched Madeleine's favorite toy called Cuddle Cat.

Kate said she could not think of going home without Madeleine, but now she has left Portugal and is back in Rothley, England, after being named a suspect in her daughter's disappearance by Portuguese police.

People in the McCanns' hometown have circled the wagons around the family.

"I think it is absolutely diabolical. I think it is monstrous," said Carolyne Coyne about the McCanns' being named suspects. "I feel really sorry for them, and I don't see how they could have possibly done it."