Aruban Judge OKs Detention of Brothers in Holloway Probe

Prosecutors hold former suspects, citing new evidence in missing teen case.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:22 AM

Nov. 24, 2007 — -- A judge in Aruba on Friday approved the detention of two brothers picked up this week as part of a probe into the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway.

Surinamese brothers Satish and Deepak Kalpoe were to be detained for at least eight additional days in Aruba while prosecutors continue to pursue the investigation, the judge ruled.

The brothers have been held since Wednesday on suspicion of involvement in Holloway's death. Prosecutors said they have new evidence implicating the brothers.

A third suspect, Joran van der Sloot, was due to arrive in Aruba on Friday, after a judge in the Netherlands approved his arrest and transfer, the prosecutor's office said. A source close to the case told ABC News that ven der Sloot arrived on Aruba Friday night around 10 p.m. local time. Minutes after the flight touched down, a security gate opened and three cars sped through a phalanx of photographers and cameramen.

All three men were previously jailed as suspects in the case, but were released for lack of evidence.

Van der Sloot will appear before a judge on Monday, Aruba's chief prosecutor Hans Mos told the Associated Press on Friday.

"From a human point of view, I think it's almost a disaster for a young kid who has overcome so much trying to get a new grip on his life," van der Sloot's lawyer, Leo van den Eeden, told "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" today, "and suddenly, as if by lighting, he is getting back again."

All three were arrested on suspicion of involvement in voluntary manslaughter and causing serious bodily harm that resulted in the death of Holloway, the prosecutor's office said in a statement.

After the trio's arrests, Holloway's father, Dave, committed to launching a new search for his daughter's body in the waters off Aruba, using divers and sonar equipment to map the ocean floor beyond the depths previously searched.

"You know, it just gives us hope that they're still involved and maybe we'll finally get some answers," he said.

"We have no indications what he is looking for," Hans Mos, the island's chief prosecutor, told The Associated Press. "Police are not involved because he has information that we don't have...Anything that helps is fine with us."