Pregnant Ohio Lawyer's Kidnapping a Mystery

Karyn McConnell Hancock may have been taken because of her father, a judge.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 10, 2007, 7:43 AM

Dec. 10, 2007 — -- A pregnant Ohio lawyer found safe this weekend after being reported missing last week may have been abducted because of a case involving her father, a prominent local judge, her family told ABC's "Good Morning America" today.

Karyn McConnell Hancock, 35, told police that she was abducted by two men and a woman near her Toledo, Ohio, law office. The trio reportedly dumped her out of a vehicle 600 miles away, in Georgia, early Saturday morning behind the Six Flags Over Georgia amusement park. She wandered back to the gate of the park and flagged down a motorist who called 911, police said.

McConnell Hancock, who is six months pregnant, appeared to be in good physical health, but remains shaken by the experience in which the abductors allegedly waved a gun in her face, her husband, Lawrence Hancock, bishop at the Final Harvest Church, told "GMA."

"She said that they did not really harm her," Hancock said. "She said they weren't really interested in her at all. They were just trying to make her suffer based on some case they believe my father-in-law before he became a judge had something to do with," he said.

McConnell Hancock disappeared Wednesday, though details were unclear. Authorities have said little about the trio that kidnapped her. McConnell Hancock's vehicle, which authorities also had been looking for, was found along a Georgia interstate Saturday about a mile from the amusement park.

While the car remained in Georgia, where it will be processed for evidence, McConnell Hancock flew to Ohio on Saturday.

Hancock made the initial missing persons report to police Wednesday after his wife failed to pick up their son from day care. Thursday, his wife called him and quickly said she had been abducted before hanging up.

Police have said very little about what may have provoked the attorney's kidnapping, but the woman's family now suspects that a case involving her father, Toledo Municipal Court Judge C. Allen McConnell, may have provoked the abduction.

The judge, who also appeared on "GMA" with his son-in-law, reported suspicious phone calls as recent as Wednesday.