Did This Mom Go Too Far?

Mom made second-grade son hold sign on street as punishment for bad behavior.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 8, 2008, 7:49 AM

Feb. 8, 2008— -- How far would you go to teach your child a lesson?

One mother in Jacksonville, Fla., had her son take to the streets as a way of apologizing for acting up in school.

Marcia Harvey made her second-grade son hold a sign saying, "I was rude to my teacher," on the sidewalk near his home.

After acting up in the classroom at Brentwood Elementary, his mom decided to take action of her own.

Harvey says she loves her son very much and wanted him to learn a lesson. "I want to see him be successful in life and this is something that I thought of that maybe would get his attention," she said.

Do you think the punishment fit the crime? Weigh in with your thoughts on our comment board.