Britney Spears' TV Appearance Suggests A Comeback

After cameo on 'How I Met Your Mother,' the pop star seems to be under control.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 25, 2008, 11:13 AM

Mar. 25, 2008— -- Critics say Britney Spears' appearance last night on the television sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" may finally signal a long-awaited comeback for the troubled star.

Once the reigning queen of pop, the singer has recently become a popular punch line.

Fans first anticipated a Spears comeback at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, but her performance was widely-received as an embarrassing mess.

But Spears, 26, appeared to turn the tables last night when she had the audience laughing with her once again.

"Oh, Ted I love the stash," Spears said, playing the role of Abby the receptionist, who has a crush on Ted, the lead character, played by Josh Radnor. "You are like a young Tom Selleck, only a million times handsomer."

Spears was apparently a fan of the show, and asked to be considered for a role.

Insiders say Spears was as good off camera as she was on.

"She showed up on time, knew her lines, was a good comedian and was able to do improvs," said Bruce Fretts, editor-at-large for TV Guide. "The cast really liked her the crew really liked her."

Instead of showing up with a big entourage, Spears appeared to be accompanied on set only by one stylist, and her mom and her dad.

Spears has endured a very public breakdown in the past year, including the loss of custody of her children and multiple hospital stays. Her recent display of professionalism comes as a welcome surprise following a year filled with images of her shaving her head, stints in rehabs and a new paparazzo boyfriend.

"This is a step in the right direction for her," TV Guide's Fretts said. "This is the first thing we have seen her do in a while that seems like a smart move that she's in charge and that she's trying to do something positive for a change."

Spears was a hit with both cast and crew, and may even be asked back on the show for another episode. Other celebrities who've made appearances on "How I Met Your Mother" include Heidi Klum, Enrique Iglesias and Mandy Moore.