Online Software Allows Parents to Closely Monitor Child's Progress

Software allows parents to keep up with their kids' academic moves.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 5, 2008, 9:20 AM

May 5, 2008 — -- The days of kids hiding their less-than-stellar quiz and test grades from their parents may be over.

New online programs like ParentConnect allow parents to check their children's grades step by step long before a report card is printed.

"If I do something wrong on a Friday, I wouldn't say anything till Sunday. But with ParentConnect, they can tell right away; so, there goes the weekend," said Simon Dobbins, a student in Alpharetta, Ga.

That's because ParentConnect gives Simon's parents direct access to his school records. Now, they can get a daily dose of his academic life delivered straight to their home computer.

"It's a great tool. I can go [online] on a daily basis and see what is going on," said Simon's mother, Nicole Dobbins, who uses the program to track all three of her children's progress. "Did the homework go from backpack to teacher's hand? It's about accountability for me."

The accountability goes a long way for Dobbins, who checks on her children's grades every morning, prints them out and highlights the good and the bad. She even leaves reminders on their beds.

"It's better for me to be equipped. Instead of saying, 'How was school?' I can say, 'I know how the test went. Good job.'"

But her son isn't as enthusiastic about the software.

"I hate it," Simon said. "It's not the best thing to come home to."

Simon's reaction is a dilemma for many parents around the country who are using profusion software tools to better track things like a student's class attendance, missed assignments, homework, quizzes, tests and even class rank. The technology has changed the way parents, teachers and students communicate with one another about educational progress.

Already 49 states use some form of software like ParentConnect, PowerSchool or similar programs that have become more commonplace during the last decade.

With the rise in the software's popularity among parents and administrators has come an increase in dissent among pupils. Hundreds of students have taken their gripes online to social networking sites like Facebook.