Jaime Lee Curtis: Fun, Fearless, Soon to be 50!

Send JLC, "GMA Now" and More mag your favorite "f-word" photo to win!

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 13, 2008, 11:19 AM

June 24, 2008— -- Jamie Lee Curtis likes the f-word. No, not that one, the big one –FIFTY.

Now as the fearless and funny actress hits the mid-century mark she's embracing it, calling on women across the country to help her re-invent the "f-word."

"Fifty is a big corner to turn," Curtis told More magazine. "It used to mean being put out to pasture, but it's the opposite with me. I feel more vibrant; I'm more active than I've ever been. The 'f-word' really is freedom. It's the freedom to have dropped the rock the rock of addiction of family, of comparisons with other people. It's being fit and focused and kind of furious."

Curtis posed for the July/August issue of More in all of her "f-word" moments, from fit and focused to family-time and free. Now she's helping launch a contest with the magazine and "Good Morning America Now" to celebrate all fearless femmes over 40.

Once the literal embodiment of physical perfection, Curtis, a.k.a. "The Body" (remember her co-starring role as a fitness instructor alongside John Travolta in the 1985 film "Perfect"?). Curtis has since become an outspoken advocate of being true to yourself and flaunting your supposed flaws.

"Accepting the reality of your body is verboten in Los Angeles, but Curtis is famous for it. In 2002, she posed for More in her skivvies and became a spokesperson for women tired of trying to live up to a Photoshopped ideal," wrote Strawberry Saroyan for More.

As an aging Hollywood icon, still active in the business, Curtis's approach to aging is nothing but courageous.

"I have watched, my whole life, people age and become buffoons," she adds. "When you crest in your thirties or forties and then you don't pull out of the public eye, you become a caricature. You have to have grace, dignity and gratitude, and walk away kind of slowly, like you're walking away from a bear," she told More.