What's Sam Champion's Ultimate Job?

Sam Champion takes an aptitude test to determine the best careers for him.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 23, 2008, 8:31 AM

Sept. 23, 2008 — -- Before Sam Champion worked in television news, he thought he had an entirely different calling.

"I wanted to be a prosecuting attorney. In my family, we would have dinner table debates," the "Good Morning America" anchor said.

He also considered becoming a professional surfer or working with sea creatures as an oceanographer.

"I wanted to go work with the manatees," he said.

But no matter where his dreams took him as a child, there was one thing about which he was sure.

"I knew very early in life that I was not cut out to be the guy who is in an office," Sam said. "My mind drifts and wanders. I would rather be outside."

To find out whether he was right, Sam recently took an aptitude test from Self-Directed research to determine which careers would mesh with his personality and learn what his ultimate job would be.

Would Sam's intuitions be correct? The quiz quickly put a magnifying glass to his special talents.

The results were intriguing. It determined Sam was ESA, or enterprising, social and artistic.

"Artistic, I agree, totally agree," Sam said of the assessment.

The quiz results used words like inquisitive, adventurous, ambitious, attention getting, impulsive, optimistic, pleasure seeking, popular and self-confident to describe Sam.

"I'm interested in other people, I like to help people with their problems. That's true," he said.

And while Sam agreed with the test's description of his personality, he was surprised to discover what careers it said would suit him best.

A judge, a newspaper editor and a social worker are the jobs that the results show would fit Sam.

But when it said Sam should be a shoe salesman, that wasn't what he had in mind.

Tune in all this week to learn what your "GMA" anchors ultimate jobs are.
Click here to take the exam for yourself.