Gadgets Geared to Reduce Germs

Find out how technology is fighting the battle against germs.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 30, 2009, 8:04 PM

May 1, 2009 — -- The swine flu outbreak has put a lot of focus on how germs are spread, so "GMA's" technology contributor Becky Worley takes a look at the germiest places and things in daily life.

Find out how you can protect yourself with some of the latest gadgets.

Several recent studies found that telephones are the most germ-infected objects in our lives, followed by desktops, water fountain handles, microwave door handles, keyboards and mice.

Phone: 25,127 germs per square inch
Desktop Surface: 20,961 germs per square inch
Keyboard: 3,295 germs per square inch
Mouse: 1,676 germs per square inch
Fax Machine: 301 germs per square inch
Copy Machine: 69 germs per square inch
Toilet Seat: 49 germs per square inch
Source: The University of Arizona

The Keyboard
You usually clean these using that compressed air. It never really gets all the gunk off. But with the Unotron Airtight Keyboard and Mouse you can dump the keyboard and mouse right into a kitchen sink full of soap and water and wash off all the germs.

Many school districts around the country are buying these up.

The Remote
The Seal Shield TV Remote has been optimized for hospitals and hotels using an antimicrobial plastic that reduces bacteria growth. It is simple to clean with a disinfectant wipe, but it's also fully submersible and dishwasher safe.

The Cell Phone
Motorola has developed a high-tech coating for some of its cell phones. Agion antimicrobial additive is put on the painted surfaces of the phone.

The Sanitizer
The Germ Guardian Sanitizing Wand is a rechargeable cordless hand wand that looks like a flashlight and emits UVC light, which kills up to 99 percent of germs. Just hold it over items like furniture, bedding, shoes or countertops for about 20 seconds.

It zaps the germs.

Plus, for the moms, there's the Germ Guardian Nursery Sanitizer. You can put all the baby's toys, pacifiers and other objects inside it for about 30 minutes. The same UVC technology kills the germs. And it's good for home use, nurseries, day care centers and schools.