'Jon & Kate Plus 8' Dad Speaks

Gosselin talks to People about his relationship with his wife, Kate.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 3, 2009, 5:07 PM

June 4, 2009 — -- After weeks of watching his family dominate tabloid covers and personally battling criticism about his child rearing and husband skills, "Jon & Kate Plus 8" patriarch Jon Gosselin said in no way does he feel he is exploiting his children.

"I don't even want to use that word, because I think it's ridiculous," he told People magazine. "We have healthy, happy, well-adjusted, educated kids. They're bouncing around and having a good time."

Jon, 32, appears in the glossy magazine saying "enough is enough," when it comes to all the overwhelming attention the family is receiving.

"Jon's definitely suffering a little bit right now with all of this attention on him and his family. He's sort of done with the whole situation," said People magazine senior staff writer Michelle Tan. "He's said enough is enough with the paparazzi."

His interview comes just weeks after his wife, 34-year-old Kate Gosselin, used the popular magazine as an outlet to describe her feelings about what was happening to her marriage. In May, she discussed the perilous state of the Gosselin union, confessing that "Jon is confused and struggling with a lot of different things."

"I think anybody who has watched the show has noticed that Kate's definitely the vocal one of the two, and Jon's very laid back. And I think now with this increased scrutiny, Kate is still opening up a bit more than Jon," Tan said. "Jon is just getting more and more guarded. He's just feeling under the attack, and really wants to keep things private."

Jon reportedly underwent hours of rigorous media training on how to deflect personal questions during his interview in New York.

Meanwhile, Kate and the sextuplets enjoyed a family vacation on the beaches of North Carolina. With a pail in hand and an orange bikini, Kate Gosselin wowed onlookers by being tanned and toned.