Husband of Missing Mom Susan Powell Lawyers Up

Police have few clues and no suspects a week after Susan Powell vanished.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 10, 2009, 8:15 PM

Dec. 14, 2009 — -- The husband of Utah mom Susan Powell who has been missing for a week has hired a prominent criminal defense attorney.

The office of attorney Scott Williams confirmed for ABC News today that he is now representing Joshua Powell, Susan Powell's husband. Williams is a leading criminal attorney in the area and his recent clients include Wanda Barzee, who has pleaded guilty in the 2002 kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart.

Police said they have inteviewed Joshua Powell about his wife's disappearance. He was not described as a suspect or person of interest, but police said they had more questions for him and were expected to interview him again this week.

Williams' office did not say when the husband would be interviewed by police.

Williams was retained a week after Susan Powelll disappeared and police admit they are clueless as to what happened to her.

"She's been gone for an entire week. I don't believe there can be any, very much hope left," a tearful Kiirsi Hellewell, Powell's best friend, told ABC News. "I'm trying to stay busy and not think about it. But I don't see how there's any way she can still be alive."

Powell, 28, was last seen Sunday night at her home in West Valley City and was reported missing by relatives the next day.

Powell's husband and the couple's two boys, age 4 and 2, were also believed to be missing but returned home Monday afternoon. Joshua Powell said he decided Sunday night to take the children on a late-night camping trip.

The temperature that night was between 10 and 25 degrees with rain and snow.

"Lots of times I just go camping with my boys," Powell told a local CBS News' affiliate last week. "Just overnight. We do s'mores and stuff."

Joshua Powell told police that he last saw his wife around 12:30 a.m. before he and the boys left for their trip and that she didn't go along because she was feeling sick.

Yet Hellewell said she talked to Susan Powell on Sunday and she wasn't sick. Police told ABC News they were unable to verify Joshua Powell's camping trip because snow had covered the spot where he said they went.

The West Valley City Police found Susan Powell's purse and keys in her bedroom and say there was no sign of forced entry at the house.

"She would never leave her children, and she would never leave without contacting anybody," Hellewell said.

Joshua Powell has not been named a suspect or person of interest in the case, and Susan Powell's father, Charles Cox, criticized the speculation about his possible involvement.

"I don't see him as capable of harming her," Cox told the Salt Lake Tribune this weekend. "I'm kind of concerned that all the focus is on him."

Police officials interviewed Joshua Powell, as well as the couple's 4-year-old child, but walked away with more questions than answers, they told ABC News last week.

"He did give us a statement, and we're following up on all aspects of that statement," said Capt. Tom McLachlan, who called her disappearance "suspicious."