Your Winter Defense: Tips for Beating the Cold

A few simple diet and lifestyle tips may help keep you cold-free this winter.

ByABC News
October 16, 2008, 2:57 PM

Feb. 2, 2008— -- It's called a "cold" for a reason: Winter's frigid temperatures make us more vulnerable to whatever germs are going around. But by making healthy choices about what we put in our bodies, we may be able to keep the sniffles at bay all season long.

At we often talk about "eating the rainbow" -- which means a simple rule of thumb to follow is to make sure your plate is as colorful as possible at every meal.

Your body's primary line of defense -- your immune system -- relies on your diet for important nutrients to help resist pesky cold and flu germs. The easiest and most effective way to ensure you are receiving purportedly cold-busting antioxidants like vitamin E and vitamin C is to eat colorful fruits and vegetables.

Foods like carrots, apricots and broccoli are packed with beta carotene, which helps to maintain the mucous lining of your nose and lungs -- an important line of defense against germs. So switching your chips for carrots at snack time, or grabbing a handful of dried apricots to munch on, means you're eating to win the battle against cold and flu.

Strive to get most of what you need from fresh, seasonal produce that is often grown locally, so it's not only good for you but the environment, too. Check out's Winter Shopping List for inspiration. By stocking up on some of winter's bounty, you'll turn your refrigerator into a medicine cabinet, supplying your body with all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to keep you well.