Retirees Create Alternative Communities

ByABC News
October 24, 2005, 12:58 PM

Oct. 26, 2005 — -- Like a growing number of retirees, Creigh and Shirley Snyder were not enthralled with the prospect of spending their golden years in a Florida retirement community.

"We had been to Florida every year for 10 years," said Creigh, 77, a retired sales rep from York, Pa.

"And we decided that we definitely didn't want to live there," added Shirley, 76.

Two years ago, Creigh and Shirley moved to The Village at Penn State, a retirement community affiliated with Pennsylvania State University, where they found a wide range of activities as well as state-of-the-art health care facilities. Residents of The Village can enroll in classes at Penn State without paying any additional fees or tuition.

The Snyders are part of a growing wave of retirees who are moving to communities that offer alternatives to shuffleboard and golf. From developments with a spiritual focus to resorts catering to gays and lesbians, the range of options for today's retirees is wider than ever.

"Going to golf courses every day isn't an option for everyone," said Jill Lillie, director of community relations for The Village. She hastened to add, however, "We do have access to Penn State's two golf courses at a reduced rate."

As baby boomers face retirement, they bring with them the individuality that has defined their generation -- and they're looking for that same individuality in their retirement communities.

"There's no question that the older, traditional versions of retirement have changed, and living arrangements are part of that," said Elinor Ginzler, director of livable communities for the AARP.

"The trend is diversification -- that's what's driving the market these days," said Ginzler. "We all know the boomers will buy into that completely and they will design it themselves."

So are the palm-studded golf communities of Boca Raton and Scottsdale emptying out? Not anytime soon, notes Ginzler. "People will still be moving to Sun City," she said.

But sunny weather is no longer the main criterion driving retirees to move. "Climate is not the most important factor for everyone. People want to live in a community that's significant to them. All of these [communities] are their own unique niches and none of them dominate over the others."

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