Kate's Sweet Tooth Inspires New Candy Line

ByABC News
March 18, 2011, 2:16 PM

— March 18, 2011 -- Love is not only the sweet thing about Prince William and Kate Middleton's impending nuptials. Haribo candy company has created a new product, inspired by the royal engagement.

Last week, Hash Shangadia, the owner of Peaches Spar convenience store in Kate's hometown, told the British national press that Kate is a regular customer and and purchases, on average, two packs of Haribo candy a week. Now, his will be the first store in the country to sell Haribo's new line inspired by the Royal Wedding, "Hearts and Rings and Other Nice Things."

Haribo's marketing manager, Gemma Hicks, is ecstatic with the news that the Royal Couple likes Haribo saying, "We're all really excited and hope the royal couple are fans."

The candy will be sold in pink bags, containing gummy candies in the shape of rings, heart throbs, cupcakes, lips and presents. Though created in honor of the royal couple, the candies will be sold across the country for everyone in England to enjoy.

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