Debris Found on an Australian Island Is Not From Missing Flight 370, Investigators Say

Bad weather has slowed the search for the missing flight.

ByABC News
June 22, 2016, 7:08 AM

LONDON — -- Debris found earlier this month on an Australian island is not from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370, investigators said in a statement.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recovered a piece of debris on June 9 that was found on Kangaroo Island close to the southern Australia coast and was thought to be possible debris from the missing flight. But the part is not debris from Flight 370, investigators said.

"Information received from the manufacturer indicates that the item is not consistent with the manufacturing specifications of a Boeing commercial aircraft. As such, the ATSB [Australian Transport Safety Bureau] has assessed that the item is not related to the safety investigation or the search for MH370," investigators said in a statement from the Joint Agency Coordination Centre, an agency created by the Australian government to keep the public informed about the progress of the investigation into flight MH370 that disappeared Mar ch 8, 2014.

The search for the wreckage is continuing but has been hampered by bad weather, according to the statement. "Recent poor weather conditions have severely impacted search operations. It is now anticipated it may take until around August to complete the 120,000 square kilometres, but this will be influenced by weather conditions over the coming months," the statement said.

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