Japan Disaster Relief: Where to Give

With thousands feared missing, relief organizations offer assistance.

ByABC News
March 12, 2011, 11:33 AM

March 12, 2011 — -- An estimated 200,000 people are living in temporary shelters in the wake of Friday's Japan earthquake, and more than one million households are without water.

With thousands of people still unaccounted for and concerns about radiation dangers after an explosion at a Japanese nuclear power plant, the total number of fatalities is expected to rise.

Rescue and recovery efforts have already begun and are expected to last for months, with numerous international organizations and governments offering assistance. Prime Minister Naoto Kan said he dispatched 50,000 troops for recovery efforts as powerful aftershocks continue to rattle the region.

To make donations, below is a list of organizations contributing to the relief effort.

World Vision


Toll Free: 888-56-CHILDText 4JAPAN to 20222 to donate $10

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