Imprisoned Americans Awarded Millions From Iraq

ByABC News
May 8, 2001, 5:45 PM

May 30 -- Four Americans who were imprisoned for up to six months by Iraq after the Gulf War are getting revenge against Saddam Hussein's regime by hitting it in the pocketbook.

A federal judge in Houston has ruled that Iraq owes David Daliberti, Bill Barloon, Chad Hall and Kenneth Beaty and their wives a collective sum of almost $19 million for the pains the men suffered in captivity.

All four men were civilians when they were imprisoned, and say they never intentionally trespassed on Iraqi soil. One says he was kidnapped from Kuwaiti territory and taken across the border.

All four say they have post-traumatic stress syndrome from their time in prison. "Their lives have been shattered," said Andrew Hall, a lawyer for the four men. He is not related to Chad Hall.

The men say they have found it hard to work or find work, suffer from nightmares, are unable to maintain close relationships, and have phobias.

Beaty was awarded $4,235,441, Daliberti $3,848,559, Barloon $2,942,285 and Chad Hall $1,797,004. Each of the men's wives received $1.5 million. The judge ruled the wives were due financial damages for the effect the men's ordeals had on their marriages.

"I don't think this is compensation for what I went through, but it would help with financial security for my wife and children," Beaty told The Associated Press after the court ruling on Tuesday.

Andrew Hall was more congratulatory. "Today is a great day for Americans who are the victims of terrorism," the lawyer said after the judgment. "We now have a tool where we can fight back."

Tales of Their Ordeal

Daliberti and Barloon say the nightmare began for them on March 13, 1995.

The two were working as civilian defense contractors for the government of Kuwait when they say they mistakenly crossed a border checkpoint from Kuwait into Iraq.

When they realized where they were, they immediately tried to turn around, but the border guards refused to let them exit, and they were imprisoned for illegal entry into Iraq, they say.

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