Watch the Canadian Parliament Attack Unfold

Dramatic video shows Michael Zehaf-Bibeau during the attack.

ByABC News
October 23, 2014, 6:15 PM

— -- Canadian police officials released surveillance footage and a description today that gives a moment-by-moment breakdown of the Wednesday attack near and inside Parliament.

Here is a detailed account of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's attack that shocked Canada:

9:50 a.m.: Zehaf-Bibeau approached the rear of the National War Memorial and fired twice at Cpl. Nathan Cirillo who was on guard at the time. Zahef-Bibeau fired another shot at a second guard at the memorial, but he missed. Witnesses recalled hearing Zehaf-Bibeau yell something but it is unclear what. He then fleas the scene in the used beige car that he had purchased the day before the attack.

9:52.23 a.m.: Just as the police received their first calls about the shooting, surveillance footage showed Zehaf-Bibeau pulling up and parking his car at the entrance to Parliament. Passersby are seen looking back down the street towards the War Memorial, presumably because of the shots. One witness even approached Zehaf-Bibeau's car before running away when he saw him get out of the vehicle with a large gun.

PHOTO: A surveillance video released by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police shows the gunman during his attack on Canadian Parliament, Oct. 22, 2014.
A surveillance video released by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police shows the gunman during his attack on Canadian Parliament, Oct. 22, 2014.

9:53.16 a.m.: Zehaf-Bibeau ran through a row of iron posts and approached a black car with a driver waiting for one of the ministers. The driver got out of the car and Zehaf-Bibeau took his place, driving the vehicle over to the entrance to the Centre Block building about 20 seconds later.

9:523.46 a.m.: He entered the Centre Block building and footage shows that there were three cars filled with members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pursuing him. They followed him in the building, but drop back when they heard shots being fired.

Zehaf-Bibeau headed down the main hall where he was confronted by Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers and others who got in a shoot-out with him.

Vickers and others were hiding behind pillars while shooting at Zehef-Bibeau. At one point, Zehef-Bibeau repositioned himself to get a better shot at Vickers, but Vickers shot him first.

Zehef-Bibeau was pronounced dead.