White House outlines evidence to support strike on Syria in memo to Congress members

The White House sent a briefing document to Congress members late Friday.

April 14, 2018, 7:45 AM

In the moments after President Donald Trump ordered coordinated attacks on chemical weapons facilities in Syria, the White House sent a briefing document to members of Congress prepared by the National Security Council outlining the thinking behind its air strikes.

ABC News obtained a copy of the document, sent to at least one senator, on the evidence that led up to the strikes.

The document outlines six reasons for the attacks launched early Saturday in Syria.

The first point outlines the U.S.'s evidence of a chemical attack on Douma April 7, "killing dozens and severely injuring hundreds of civilians." The document points to a large number of "reliable" photos and videos of victims suffering from the symptoms of a chemical attack. The intelligence points specifically to symptoms of a chlorine and sarin attack on April 7.

PHOTO: A photo released on April 14, 2018 the twitter page of the Syrian governments central military media on April 14, 2018 shows an explosion on the outskirts of Damascus.
A photo released on April 14, 2018 the twitter page of the Syrian governments central military media on April 14, 2018 shows an explosion on the outskirts of Damascus after Western strikes reportedly hit Syrian military bases and chemical research centres in and around the capital.
AFP/Getty Images

ABC News previously reported at least 40 people were killed in the suspected chemical attack.

The document delivered to congressmen cites "credible medical personnel ... including the World Health Organization" treating the effects of a sarin gas attack.

Other evidence cited in the document includes eyewitness accounts of an Mi-8 helicopter launched from Dumayr airfield circling Douma and photos of barrel bombs similar to those previously used by the Syrian government.

PHOTO: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, left, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, right, brief members of the media on Syria at the Pentagon, April 13, 2018.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, left, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, right, brief members of the media on Syria as British Embassy Defense Attache Air Vice Marshall Gavin Parker, second from right, and French Defense Attache Brigadier General Jean-Pierre Montegu, third from right, listen at the Pentagon, April 13, 2018.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

The NSC counters arguments made by the Syrian and Russian governments that the April 7 attack was fabricated by Western governments, saying, "Such a widespread fabrication would require a well-organized and compartmented campaign to deceive multiple media outlets while evading our detection."

The document concludes with a demand for the Syrian regime to reveal its chemical weapons program to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and destroy its remaining stockpiles of chemical weapons -- something the regime claims it already did in 2013 following a U.N. Security Council resolution.

President Donald J. Trump announces military action against Syria in response to the recent alleged gas attack on civilians in Douma, at the White House, April 13, 2018.
Mike Theiler/Pool via Shutterstock

Trump announced the strikes in a press conference at the White House from around 9:30 p.m. The strikes, a joint operation between the U.S., U.K. and France, targeted three locations associated with the production and storage of chemical weapons: a scientific research center; a storage center for sarin and its precursor components; and a chemical weapons storage facility and command post, according to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford.

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