Boy With ‘Ghostbusters’ Ecto-1 Car Halloween Costume Visits Original Ecto-1

Jeremy Miller, 8, decorated his wheelchair as the Ecto-1 car.

ByABC News
October 26, 2016, 2:56 PM

— -- A California boy whose Halloween costume of the Ecto-1 car in the original “Ghostbusters” movies went viral got the chance to see the original Ecto-1 car in person.

Jeremy Miller, 8, of Murrieta, California, and his family visited Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles Tuesday as guests of Ghost Corps, the production company behind “Ghostbusters.”

Jeremy, his parents, Beth and Ryan Scott Miller, and his two siblings spent nearly two months creating a unique costume for Jeremy, who has been in a wheelchair since age 3 due to Spina bifida.

The Ecto-1 costume fits around Jeremy’s wheelchair so he can move it like a real car. The costume also features working lights, a siren and speaker that plays the "Ghostbusters" theme music, a roof rack with a ladder, warning light, cannisters and satellite dish.

Jeremy Miller, 8, of Murrieta, California, turned his wheelchair into a "Ghostbusters" Halloween costume and was invited by Ghost Corps to see the real Ecto-1 car in person.
Todd Williamson

Jeremy put his costume on before entering the Sony lot on Tuesday and had the siren and theme music blaring when he pulled his Ecto-1 up next to the real Ecto-1.

“He was just absolutely giddy,” Ryan Scott Miller said of his son. “His mouth dropped open and he was like, ‘This is so cool.’”

Jeremy was also able to sit in the driver’s seat of the original car and open the back where the “Ghostbusters” stars pulled out their proton packs.

Jeremy Miller, 8, of Murrieta, California, turned his wheelchair into a "Ghostbusters" Halloween costume and was invited by Ghost Corps to see the real Ecto-1 car in person.
Todd Williamson

The Millers were also taken on a tour of the Sony Pictures Studios lot and given an up-close look at “Ghostbusters” toys and new products.

“It was great being able to host Jeremy and his family at Ghost Corps and I was amazed by the extraordinary detail of his ECTO-1 recreation," "Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters II" director and Ghost Corps co-founder Ivan Reitman told ABC News in a statement. "I’m thrilled to see him represent 'Ghostbusters' in his Halloween haunts.”

Besides the once-in-a-lifetime memory, Ghost Corps also gifted the family with another surprise.

“They had a conference room full of T-shirts and toys and told us to pick what we wanted,” Miller said. “We were like, ‘No way.’”

Miller described his family’s’ reaction as “over the moon."

“It was a little overwhelming,” he said.

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