Frito the rescue dog reunited with his siblings after a viral Facebook post

Frito's owner posted he was looking for his family and the dog family reunited.

ByABC News
February 22, 2017, 3:19 PM

— -- It was Frito the dog’s lucky day on Saturday when he was reunited with five of his six siblings for a paw-dorable puppy party.

The reunion was made possible after this social media post of Frito looking for his family went viral.

Adopted dog, Frito, to be reunited with all his biological siblings on Feb. 18,, 2017.
Courtesy of Corie Gemmiti

"All the dogs got along really great," Corie Gemmiti, Frito’s owner, told ABC News. "It was nice to meet all the families of all the dogs. It was good to talk to them and figure out the personalities of all the dogs."

The pups hadn’t seen each other since October 2015 when they were all adopted into separate families from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander. But when they got back together, it was clear they were all related.

Adopted dog, Frito, to be reunited with all his biological siblings on Feb. 18, 2017.
Courtesy of Sandy Amen

"They all had the same body type and all their tails were tucked between their legs when they first got there," said Gemmiti.

Frito the dog was reunited with his siblings after they were adopted from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander.
Robert Wolesensky/Texas Humane Heroes

Even their birth mom, Patty, showed up to play.

"The mom of all the puppies was there and Frito looked the most like her," Gemmiti said. "They were the same coloring and everything."

Frito the dog was reunited with his siblings after they were adopted from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander.
Robert Wolesensky/Texas Humane Heroes

The pups celebrated with a dog-friendly cake and big game of fetch.

"Patty was the one who dove into the cake. She did not hold back," Christine Rankin, the marketing manager for Texas Humane Heroes, joked. "She wanted that cake all for herself. She shared, which was nice, but everyone else was so overwhelmed and excited from the playtime they weren't really interested."

Frito the dog was reunited with his siblings after they were adopted from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander.
Ruff Adventures Photography

This was the first reunion the adoption center has held for a litter they've received, but after seeing the success of this one, they plan to do it much more.

Frito the dog was reunited with his siblings after they were adopted from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander.
Ruff Adventures Photography

"We had a great time setting the reunion up and getting them back together," said Rankin. "We always love receiving updates of our adopted animals, so seeing in person who they grew up to be and that they are all in loving homes just makes it ten times better."

Frito the dog was reunited with his siblings after they were adopted from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander.
Ruff Adventures Photography
Frito the dog was reunited with his siblings after they were adopted from Texas Humane Heroes in Leander.
Ruff Adventures Photography