Kansas City Cop Surprises Daughters With Puppy He Saved From Overheated Car

Kansas City Police Officer Jeff O'Rear rescued a 6-month-old Chihuahua mix.

ByABC News
July 31, 2015, 2:45 PM
The puppy’s new family includes Kansas City Police Officer Jeff O’Rear, his wife, Paula, and their daughters Melaina and Michelle.
The puppy’s new family includes Kansas City Police Officer Jeff O’Rear, his wife, Paula, and their daughters Melaina and Michelle.
Courtesy Erik Winter

— -- A Missouri police officer who helped save a 4-pound Chihuahua-mix puppy that was left behind in a locked car surprised his daughters by telling them the family had adopted the puppy.

Kansas City Police Officer Jeff O’Rear and his partner, Erik Winter, were on duty last Saturday when they saw a call come in reporting a puppy that appeared to be locked in a car parked at a strip mall.

When the officers arrived around 2 p.m., they found a crowd of nearly 20 people standing outside the car. One of those bystanders included a young girl who first heard the puppy whimpering while walking by the car and told her parents to call authorities for help.

“I figured we’d find the dog and he’d be hot and we’d give him some water and issue some tickets and be on our way,” O’Rear told ABC News of what he thought would be a routine stop.

Instead, the two officers saw that the dog was moving inside his kennel inside of the car so they broke the car’s rear window and used a baton to unlock the passenger door. Inside, they found the puppy severely overheated and near death.

“I got the kennel out and pulled the dog out and it was one of the most horrific scenes I’ve seen,” said O’Rear, an 18-year police veteran. “The dog was upside down and convulsing.”

Following the advice of a PetSmart employee who happened to be among the group of bystanders, O’Rear and Winter rushed the dog in the police car to a PetSmart emergency clinic across the parking lot.

There, O’Rear says, the medical staff worked for 90 minutes to bring the dog’s vitals back to normal from the 107.7 degrees core temperature and 200 beats per minute heart rate in which they found him.

The medical staff and police officers who rescued the puppy from an overheated car pose for a photo with him.

“I thought to myself, knowing there would be so many obstacles, I thought if I could get this dog with me, he’d never have to live through anything like this again,” O’Rear said.

Authorities used surveillance from a nearby Target store to determine that the dog had been in the car for nearly two hours before it was rescued. When the dog’s owners were found, they relinquished their ownership, according to O’Rear, making the dog eligible for adoption.

With the help of PetSmart and the KC Pet Project, a nonprofit that operates a local animal shelter, O’Rear was able to surprise his two daughters, 8-year-old Melaina and 13-year-old Michelle, on Wednesday with the family’s newly adopted puppy.

“I told them I was going to do an interview about the rescue and wanted them to come with me,” O’Rear said. “They were super surprised.”

“Our little one was so excited,” he said of Melaina. “She was holding him and he looked up and started licking her nose.”

The puppy, who has recovered completely, has not yet been named, according to O’Rear.

“We’re working with all the folks who helped,” he said. “We’re going to come up with a name that is related to the incident so we can explain the story, that this is how we got him and this is how we got his name.”

When school starts back in the fall, O’Rear and Winter plan on making a special visit to Ravenwood Elementary School in nearby Olathe, Kansas, for a ceremony to honor Jorgie Johnston, the second-grader who put the rescue in motion.

“We made a promise that police officers will go to her school and do a presentation since she was responsible for saving him,” O’Rear said.