Mom Shocked After Noticing What Appears to Be a Crucifix in Sonogram

Aley Meyer and her husband are expecting a baby boy in June.

ByABC News
April 21, 2016, 3:33 PM
Aley Meyer's sonogram, taken on April 11, shows what appears to be a crucifix.
Aley Meyer's sonogram, taken on April 11, shows what appears to be a crucifix.
Courtesy Aley Meyer

— -- One soon-to-be mother was shocked when she noticed what appears to be a crucifix in her sonogram.

Aley Meyer, of Henderson, Kentucky, told ABC News she didn't initially see the cross during a routine sonogram on April 11.

"I hung [the pictures] up at my baby shower and my best friend's mom pointed it out and we were all in shock," she recalled.

Devan Baize and his fiancee Aley Meyer are expecting their first child, Easton, in June.
Courtesy Aley Meyer

Meyer, 21, and her fiancée Devan Baize, 22, are expecting their first child in June. The two plan to name their baby boy Easton Wayne Baize.

After her mother shared the sonogram on Facebook, Meyer said she's gotten tons of reactions. Still, her favorite response was from her grandfather.

"When we showed him, he cried," Meyer recalled. "All of my family and friends were just in shock. We think this is a sign that everything is going to be okay with my baby."

Meyer said she's looking forward to raising baby Easton and "share the word of God with my son especially after everything that's happened."

"We're very outdoorsy people," she added. "We love to go camping, fishing, four-wheeling, things like that. And I hope he enjoys it as much as we do."