5-month-old baby boy’s wild hair is the mane event

Oliver Dunn was born with a full head of dark hair.

ByABC News
March 2, 2017, 8:20 PM

— -- Oliver Dunn has been turning heads since he was born five months ago, because of the hair on his head.

Oliver, of Nampa, Idaho, was born with a full head of dark hair that has grown into an adorably wild mane.

"Always," Oliver’s mom, Angie Dunn, said when asked if strangers stop her to ask about Oliver’s hair. "They always ask how old he is because you would assume when you see a baby with that much hair they’re going to be a lot older."

5-month old Oliver Dunn, of Nampa, Idaho, has had a full head of hair since birth.
Angie Dunn

Dunn said some of the common questions she gets about the baby's hair are, "Can I touch it?" and "What do you do to it?" and "Do you put hairspray in it?”

She and her husband, Brian Dunn, saw early signs their first child would be born with hair, she said. But even they were surprised he was born with a full head of inch-long hair.

5-month old Oliver Dunn, of Nampa, Idaho, has had a full head of hair since birth.
Angie Dunn

"I had some complications [during pregnancy], so I had to have a lot of ultrasounds and we could even see the hair in the ultrasounds," she said. "We knew he had hair at the base of his neck and weren’t sure if he’d have a mullet."

Oliver’s connection to his hair was evident before the family even left the hospital.

"He must have been able to feel it when he was still inside [the womb] because he knew it was there," Dunn said.

"How he soothes himself is to rub his hair," she said. "Even when we were in the hospital he hated to be swaddled because he loved to touch his hair."

"It took us a while to realize it, but we always had to leave a hand out so he could touch his hair," she said. "It’s a really big part of him, not just because of how he looks, but he relies on it to make himself feel better."

Oliver Dunn, now 5-months-old, posed for the camera at his three month photo shoot.
Lisa Peterson Photography

Lisa Peterson, the photographer who shot Oliver's baby photos, said she could see that Oliver's hair is a big part of him too.

"His little personality just goes along with it. He was giving us smiles," Peterson told ABC News. "I said to Angie, 'Do we want to do something with his hair?' and she said, 'No, this is him.'"

Oliver’s hair is washed every other day, or every day if it’s greasy because so many people have touched it in awe. Beyond brushing Oliver's hair after his bath, Dunn said she does no styling.

"When he was first born it kind of stuck up a little, but as it has gotten longer it’s just gotten so puffy and it sticks up," she said. "There’s nothing you can do."

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