San Diego Couple Makes Bucket List for Dog With Cancer

Kobe the Golden Retriever has met dolphins and is going to ride a fire truck.

ByABC News
October 23, 2015, 2:01 PM

— -- A San Diego couple is making sure their Golden Retriever lives the rest of his life happy after he was diagnosed with cancer. The couple has created a bucket list of things the Goldie loves to do.

Sonya Mo and her husband Jeff got Kobe from a breeder when he was just 11-weeks-old and has trained him to be a therapy dog. He goes to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, Calif., every weekend so he can make other people as happy as he makes them, Mo said.

“He loves to please people,” Mo said. “He’s just a sweetheart and loves making people laugh and smile.”

Sonya Mo started to notice her 5-year-old dog was acting strange this past summer and took him to see the veterinarian.

“This summer he was really lethargic,” Sonya Mo told ABC News. “He didn’t want to finish his food anymore and he didn’t want to go on walks.”

After their 5-year-old dog Kobe was diagnosed with cancer, San Diego couple Sonya and Jeff Mo made a bucket list so he can live the rest of his life happy.

After visiting the vet, an internal medicine doctor and a neurologist over the course of a couple of months, Sonya Mo said she found out Kobe has Multi-lobular Osteochondrosarcoma (MLO), a tumor on his skull. Although surgery can be performed, the doctors could only remove 90 to 95 percent of the tumor and it would grow back, so the Mos decided to let Kobe live out the rest of his life comfortably.

“We were thinking about fun things we could do and different places we could go in San Diego,” Sonya Mo said, ultimately deciding to make a bucket list.

After their 5-year-old dog Kobe was diagnosed with cancer, San Diego couple Sonya and Jeff Mo made a bucket list so he can live the rest of his life happy.

The bucket list includes meeting a dolphin at SeaWorld, which Kobe did yesterday, playing in the snow one more time, visiting the pumpkin patch, riding a fire truck, which he is going to do Monday, and surfing because “he loves going to the beach,” Sonya Mo said.

“We just want him to be happy,” Mo said. “Whenever we can go out and do something fun as a family we take the opportunity.”