Snapsure App Gives Shoppers Instant Fashion Feedback
Fitting rooms are the place for making the crucial decision.
— -- Fitting rooms are the place where shoppers make the crucial decision: to buy, or not to buy. Now, a free fashion app called Snapsure is solving the dilemma that many of them face.
Snapsure co-founder and CEO Syed Amaanullah said he often found himself in the same dressing room predicament.
“I was trying on a shirt that I wasn’t quite sure about,” Amaanullah said.
Searching for input, Amaanullah found himself alone with no one to ask for fashion advice.
“I left the shirt behind and thought to myself, ‘There’s got to be a better way to get quick and easy feedback and move on,’” he said. “I realized there was nothing really out there that would let me do that.”
Unlike when trying on clothes, snapping a photo and texting to your friends, Snapsure allows you to limit the time your loved ones have to respond with their feedback.
“The shopper gets to control the time element,” Amaanullah said. “Nobody knows how long you want to be in that fitting room before you make a decision.”
After taking a photo in your prospective outfit, you write a brief caption, pick who you’d like feedback from, set a timer and hit send.
Friends and family are then able to vote and leave comments for you.
Results are sent back to the shopper in the form of an infographic that includes who responded, who didn’t, the percentage of yes votes, no votes, and all the comments made by your friends.
“It’s simple to see your results, so it’s simple to make your decision,” Amaanullah said.
One retail associate agrees that Snapsure will be a handy tool for consumers.
“Absolutely, people take pictures all the time looking for an opinion on an item,” says Catalina Maldonado, digital adviser for Burberry stores. "Personally, if I’m going to spend a lot of money on something, I want to know if it looks good and if I should buy it. So this [Snapsure] would definitely work."
Snapsure is developing a new personal styling feature where, for an in-app purchase, shoppers can gain feedback from notable fashion bloggers.
“Personal styling has historically been viewed as a luxury service,” Amaanullah said. “But with this on-demand mobile styling, any shopper can experience it.
"We hope to launch this feature in the next six to eight weeks.”