Black Cat With Fangs Looks Just Like Dracula

"He's unique. With or without the fangs he's special to me."

ByABC News
November 1, 2016, 3:59 PM

— -- This black cat with fangs bears a striking resemblance to the one -- and only -- Dracula.

“He is a dark cat that came to me during dark times. Proof that black cats are GOOD luck!” his owner, Nicole Rienzie, of Long Island, New York, told ABC News.

This Vampire-Toothed Cat Looks Just Like Dracula

She rescued the cat, whose real name is Monk, as a malnourished kitten from the side of the road.

“My mother and I were driving home. He darted in front of the car and we nearly hit him,” Rienzie recalled. “We pulled over and there sat a tiny kitten, alone. He was very tiny, very skinny, filthy, flea infested with severe conjunctivitis in both eyes."

“At first I was trying to find him a home. A friend of mine was interested,” she added. “At that time however, I needed rescuing as well. I had lost my father to brain cancer and a close friend in a plane crash. I was grieving heavily and dealing with chronic pain from [a car] accident. I believe he was sent to me. A guardian angel in the form of a vampire kitty.”

As Monk started getting older, Rienzie noticed that his teeth were growing into a long, fang shape.

“Many people have assumed the teeth were photoshopped. They are the real deal however, at 3/4 inch long from the gum line,” she explained. “The vet says he is very healthy and just blessed with the largest canines around. I love them and wouldn't change a thing about him. He's unique. With or without the fangs he's special to me.”

The vampire cat has nearly 25,000 followers on Instagram.

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