Virginia Boy Leaves Cold Gatorade, Water for Mailman During Heatwave

"I think my heart just melted," mom Terra McDaniel said.

ByABC News
July 19, 2016, 12:15 PM

— -- A Virginia boy is being praised on social media after leaving cold beverages outside for his favorite, longtime mailman.

Terra McDaniel, the mother of Carmine McDaniel, 8, said her son has been supplying drinks for Henry Bailey for a while now, but on July 14, her security cameras captured the mailman's reaction to the kind gesture.

"He didn't know that I had a camera on my house," McDaniel said of Bailey, who's referred to as "Mr. Henry." "I think my heart just melted. It was nice to see an honest, genuine reaction."

McDaniel told ABC News that Mr. Henry has been been her family's mailman since she was a little girl living in her current city of Newport News, Virginia.

Carmine has even dressed up as the postal worker for Halloween and was given a tour of the post office by Mr. Henry, his mother said.

"He's really just a warm person," McDaniel said. "He's been a mailman for 21 years and before that, was a retired vet. No matter what kind of weather, it can be rain, storm or even a hurricane, he's always so friendly and nice."

Carmine McDaniel, 8, of Newport News, Virginia, often leaves cold beverages for his mailman, Henry Bailey, during hot summer days.
Courtesy Terra McDaniel

A heat wave in Virginia inspired Carmine to pass water bottles to Mr. Henry, but recently, he assembled a cooler with Gatorade and water on ice, so that beverages would be readily available if the family wasn't home to greet the mailman, McDaniel said.

On Facebook, McDaniel posted the security footage that captured Mr. Henry's reaction last week.

"Oh man, water and Gatorade," Mr. Henry can be heard saying in the video. "Thank God. Thank you."

Carmine McDaniel, 8, of Newport News, Virginia, often leaves cold beverages for his mailman, Henry Bailey, during hot summer days.
Courtesy Terra McDaniel

McDaniel said the video has received a lot of attention from friends, family and media outlets, but Carmine isn't fazed.

"It shows the innocence of a child because he thinks it's what he's supposed to do," she added. "He doesn't see it as a big deal. When other people say something nice, it makes you think, 'Wow, maybe I am doing a good job as a parent.'"

McDaniel said Carmine will continue to leave beverages for Mr. Henry in addition to chocolates at Christmas.