World's Oldest Cat, Tiffany Two, Celebrates 27th Birthday
This old feline is "feisty" and has a lot of "sex appeal," her owner says.
— -- It may be Friday the 13th today, but the San Diego cat celebrating her birthday today is a lucky one.
The world's oldest cat, Tiffany Two, turns 27 today, or 125 in human years, according to Guinness World Records.
Tiffany's owner, Sharron Voorhees, told ABC News she thinks her cat's longevity can be pinned to her devotion and her small size.
"Tiffy's just so devoted to me, she doesn't want to leave me." Voorhees, 73, said. "But I think it could also have to do with her size. She's only six pounds, and I know smaller dogs live longer than older dogs."
And fun fact: Tiffany is a "feisty" cat with a lot of "sex appeal," her owner said.
"She's had many boyfriends over the years," Voorhees said. "One young male cat used to always run and want to see her even when she was already 13 or 14. I also used to have a big 20-pound black-and-white cat who she'd cuddle and spoon with."
Voorhees used to have a Tiffany "One" in the '70s, who died early from cancer, she said. She saw Tiffany Two when she passed a local pet shop in 1988 that was going out of business that day, she said.
"I saw the little kitty who looked just like my old Tiffany, and though I went home, I just kept thinking about it," Voorhees said. "They were both short-haired and black-and-orange tortoiseshell colored."

Voorhees went back a few minutes before the pet shop closed for good, she said, and adopted Tiffany, who was six weeks old at the time.
"I paid $10, and I always say that was the best investment I ever made," Voorhees said. "We're inseparable. She gets very emotional when I pet her. She drools."
Shortly after, Voorhees got two dogs, whom Tiffany got along well with, she said.
"They'd run around the house together, and she'd help him escape the play pen I kept him in whenever I had to leave the house," Voorhees said. "They've been long gone, but I still have two other dogs and two cats who are family to Tiffany."
Despite Tiffany's old age, she's still a healthy cat, Voorhees said.
"She's not feeble, she can go up and down the stairs and goes outside when she pleases," Voorhees said.