Family Pleads for Return of Deceased Son's Memorial Bench

"It's just wood to you, but to me it's memories," his mother said.

ByABC News
April 28, 2016, 3:48 PM

— -- A Michigan family is reeling yet again after a bench built to honor their late son was stolen right out of their backyard.

Shauna Green-Smith of Belding, Michigan, is pleading for the return of the bench.

"It was there Tuesday evening, gone Wednesday morning," Smith told ABC News. "Only message I have is that I'd like it back, no questions asked if it just reappears."

A Michigan family says this memorial bench, built in honor of their 10-year-old who passed away, was stolen from their backyard.
Courtesy Shauna Green-Smith

The wooden bench has the boy's name - Devon Morrison - inscribed on it. He was 10 years old when he drowned in 2013, Smith said. She is hoping a Facebook post she wrote about the missing bench will be shared with as many people as possible.

Devon Morrison passed away three years ago at 10 years old after a drowning incident. His family is pleading for the return of a memorial bench they say was stolen from their Michigan backyard.
Courtesy Shauna Green-Smith

"It's just wood to you, but to me it's memories," Smith wrote on Facebook. "Memories of how loved my little boy was."

Belding Police Chief Dale Nelson told ABC News that the department "put out a plea out on social media in hopes of having the bench returned."