Exclusive: Wright Sings 'Proud' Tune on Obama in D.C. Pulpit – Then Rips ABC News

Rev. Jeremiah Wright struck a conciliatory tone toward Barack Obama on Sunday

ByABC News
January 18, 2009, 6:00 PM

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2009— -- The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once suggested turned on him for political gain, President-elect Barack Obama, but in an exclusive interview, he showed he's still furious with the media, who he called "evil," and said he's "not going to kiss anybody's behind."

In a sermon today at Howard University's chapel in Washington, Wright used Obama's life as an example to show how despite challenges as a nation, the country can build a better future.

"He was able to do what nobody of African decent was ever able to do in the 211-year history of this country. ... The Lord stepped into his story and gave him a new attitude," he said.

It was a completely different scene from Wright's defiant appearance at the National Press Club in April. Gone was any hint of anger directed at Obama for denouncing his more controversial sermons and statements, which became fodder for Obama's critics during the presidential campaign.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News following the service, Wright showed some of that same fire when he lashed out at the network for breaking the story of his inflammatory sermons, saying he was "not going to kiss anybody's behind."

Wright was visibly angry when speaking about the press, and in particular ABC News, which first presented a "Good Morning America" story about Wright's sermons.

"It was so unfair to my family and ended up hurting my daughter and it was unconscionable," he said. "ABC started a mess that was unconscionable."

Asked about the change in his demeanor since the Press Club appearance, Wright responded by attacking the journalists who were there that day for being obsessed with his relationship to Obama. He instead had hoped that the media would focus on his presentation about the black religious tradition.

"They were arrogant, they were evil, they were devious and I responded in kind," Wright said. "I just talked to you about a 500-year tradition but you don't ask me one question about that because that's not your interest, your interest is to taint Barack Obama. So no, I'm not going to be conservative, I'm not going to kiss anybody's behind and if I'm standing up straight you can't ride my back."

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