Conservatives work out Supreme Court anger, betrayal through song

ByABC News
July 17, 2012, 5:34 PM

— -- Conservatives who feel betrayed by Chief Justice John Roberts' decision to uphold President Barack Obama's health care law last month are seeking solace in the power of song.

Kathleen Burch, an intern for the conservative Media Research Center, belts out her pain in a parody of Gotye's "Somebody that I Used to Know."

"You didn't have to stoop so low, listen to the liberal justices and change your opinion," she sings in the video above. "Now you're just some justice that I used to know."

Meanwhile, Ilya Shapiro of the libertarian CATO Institute think tank re-imagined the impossibly catchy "Call Me Maybe" song as a diatribe against the fickleness of Roberts:

When you came onto the Court
I thought you so rad
My man-crush so bad
My man-crush so, so bad

Now thanks to you I'll pay this tax
It made me so mad
But now I'm just sad
It makes me so, so sad

Republicans' opinion of Chief Justice John Roberts has plummeted since he sided with the four liberal justices in June to uphold President Obama's health care law, according to a Gallup poll out Monday. Nearly 70 percent of Republicans approved of Roberts when he was nominated by President Bush in 2005, but now, only 27 percent of Republicans say they approve of the chief justice.