Expect more reaction to Obama's same-sex marriage announcement, plus more to watch for Thursday in politics

ByABC News
May 10, 2012, 7:07 AM

— -- Look for more reaction from all points to President Barack Obama's announcement Wednesday in an exclusive ABC News interview that he now supports same-sex marriage. The debate is certain to continue about whether it will help or hurt his campaign. The interview, conducted by ABC News' Robin Roberts, will air on " Good Morning America."

While the gay-marriage buzz continues, President Obama will be in Los Angeles for a fundraiser at the home of George Clooney. Guests at the $40,000-per-person event are expected to include Barbra Streisand and DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Mitt Romney, meanwhile, will be campaigning in Nebraska, and Sen. Marco Rubio, who is considered a possible running mate for Romney, will speak in Washington to a group from Des Moines.

Vice President Joe Biden will address a group of students and representatives from higher education about keeping down the cost of education.

The John Edwards trial will reach a key point Thursday when the prosecution wraps up its presentation. The final list of prosecution witnesses did not include Rielle Hunter.

And then there is this: Get out the birthday candles. Rick Santorum turns 54.

Sources: Yahoo! News, ABC News, Associated Press

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