GOP admits ‘overzealous use of graphics' in fake Miami Herald headline for Rick Scott ad

ByABC News
April 11, 2012, 4:39 PM

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A spokesman for the Republican Party of Florida blamed an " overzealous use of graphics" for an ad posted on Florida Gov. Rick Scott's Facebook page that included an altered Miami Herald front page.

The ad which has since been removed replaced the Herald's original headline "Murders highlight rise in crime in Guatemala" with one touting Scott's record on the economy and jobs: "NEW LAW HELPS PUT FLORIDIANS BACK TO WORK."

"The posting of a fraudulent front page of the Miami Herald is unacceptable," said Rick Hirsch, the paper's managing editor,  according to Romenesko. "Not only is it a fraud on the public, but it is trademark infringement for use of our masthead in a fake edition, and copyright infringement for those portions of the front page that were not fabricated."

Following Rick Santorum's suspension of his 2012 presidential bid on Tuesday, Scott endorsed Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination.

"There is no question that Rick Santorum ran a hard fought campaign," Scott wrote in a message posted on Facebook. "I commend his passion and his willingness to put the best interest of our party and nation first. Mitt Romney will be our party's nominee and it is critical that all Republicans coalesce behind Governor Romney and focus on electing him as President so he can put the policies in place to create jobs, turn our economy around and get federal spending under control."

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