Who are Ron Paul's Donors?

Republican Raises Stunning $4.3 Million Online in 24 Hours.

ByABC News
November 5, 2007, 5:59 PM

Nov. 6, 2007— -- Mark it down: A landmark moment entered the annals of political fundraising: Nov. 5, 2007.

Texas Republican Ron Paul, the libertarian presidential candidate who has lagged in the polls but raised as much money as top-tier candidates, passed $4.3 million in online fundraising in 24 hours.

It was a big deal back in 2000 when Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., raised $1 million online in the 24 hours after his upset victory over then-Gov. George W. Bush in the New Hampshire primary.

McCain's impressive take was seen as the birth of online fundraising -- a moment when online donors gained considerable respect.

Paul raised just over $5 million in the most recent fundraising quarter, which ended September 30. The campaign has set an official goal of raising $12 million between Oct.1 and the end of 2007.

As of midnight Sunday, Nov. 4, the Paul campaign claimed to have raised $2.77 million.

Monday's drive was coordinated by an independent Web site but received the tacit endorsement of Paul on the stump this week.

He told supporters at a rally in Columbia, S.C., that the mainstream media is more likely to pay attention if he raises more money. And that attention will lead to more mainstream voters hearing his message.

Watch video of Paul on the stump from ABC News on the campaign trail in South Carolina by clicking here.

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