Chris Christie Compares Handling Blizzard to Dealing With ISIS

He made comments while campaigning in N.H. as New Jersey dug out of blizzard.

ByABC News
January 24, 2016, 2:45 PM

— -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie compared handling the blizzard that left record snow in cities along the eastern seaboard to dealing with ISIS, saying during a campaign stop in New Hampshire that his leadership during the storm demonstrated his readiness to be president and "make people be safe and secure."

Christie made the comments in Portsmouth Sunday afternoon at his first town hall after returning from New Jersey, where he returned on Friday afternoon as the snowstorm approached. He came back to New Hampshire to resume his campaign activities Sunday morning after holding a press briefing in New Jersey on the progress of the clean-up.

"Whether it's an impending storm or whether it's the scourge of radical Islamic jihadist terrorism, you have to make people be safe and secure," Christie said. "I’m proud that we didn't lose one life in New Jersey yesterday because the people of New Jersey, as crazy as it seems, they listen to me."

While Christie touted New Jersey’s handling of the storm as a "model response," parts of the Jersey Shore faced severe flooding as a result of the storm.

Asked by reporters after his Sunday town hall what he says to those who say he left New Jersey too soon, Christie said, "I haven't heard anybody who said that."

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