How Donald Trump Is Covered by Media Around the World

Fascination with The Donald isn't limited to the U.S.

ByABC News
September 11, 2015, 11:48 AM

— -- Donald Trump is everywhere.

The front-runner among GOP presidential candidates is extensively covered in the American media, grabbing headlines almost every day. But Trump isn’t garnering attention only in America -- it seems people in nations around the world also can’t get enough of Trump.

Trumps media presence around the globe differs in that opinions about are not necessarily driven by a traditional American left or right leaning.

Here is a sample of how The Donald is portrayed in various media outlets around the world.


According to an Aug. 22 piece in The Irish Times, “Trump is a bizarre personality with a giant ego, appalling attitudes to women, and very strange hair, but he is also a moderate Republican, if you can get past the crass buffoonery.” The piece portrays him as appealing to Americans with his “populist rhetoric,” easily understood ideas, and seemingly honest nature. He is also compared to Labour Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn for “taking mainstream parties in a radical, albeit very different, direction.”


DW, or Deutsche Welle, is the German international broadcaster. A July 21 article said that people in Europe are “baffled” about Trump’s personality. It went on to explain that Trump is portrayed differently in American left- and right-leaning networks, whereas European media coverage is more uniform, and the media’s attitude towards Trump is one of “exasperation.”

“There is a bit of bewilderment that somebody who can say the outrageous things that he says is still regarded as a serious political figure in the States,” Christian Lammert, a professor at a Berlin University, told DW. “I don’t think there’s much understanding for this in Europe or Germany.”


According to El Universal, a Mexican news site, a videogame was created in Mexico called “Trumpealo,” which roughly translates to “Trump it,” in which the player can attack Trump with shoes, balls, or even a cactus as he stands on a stage. El Universal published a profile on Walter Mercado, a Puerto Rican astrologer, in which he declared Trump has “very little political future.”

“His offensive and irreverent comments against Latinos have earned him the antipathy and hatred of most of the U.S. population," Mercado told El Universal.

This screen grab released by Mexican app developer Karaokulta on Sept. 2, 2015 in Guadalajara, Mexico, shows the opening splash screen of the new video game called "Trumpealo," which roughly translates as "Trump him."


El País, a daily newspaper in Spain, published an article calling Trump an audience magnet (“un imán para la audiencia”). The article, titled “SuperTrump,” asks why Trump is so captivating, noting he seems to live up to his parody-esque reputation. El País also published an article regarding Matt Damon taking offense to Trump’s comments about immigrants, and calling Trump’s words xenophobic and dehumanizing.


One daily Turkish newspaper predicted Trump and his “extreme ... rhetoric” will make it more likely for Hillary Clinton to take office, which, “will be great for the economy of not only the United States but of Turkey and the broader region.” Daily Sabah, the English-language version of Sabah, wrote “Thank you Trump and company for helping Hillary Clinton get elected!” The English-language version of Turkish newspaper Zaman featured a piece last month on Trump’s “obnoxious comments targeting women."


The Toronto Star, Canada’s largest online news site, equated Trump to Rob Ford -- the former Toronto mayor who admitted to smoking crack cocaine -- in a July 22 article. The Star warned: “When a politician is skilled at drawing media attention, being laughed at still means they’re being listened to, and in some ways, it gives them more of a platform than being taken seriously ever could.” An Aug. 31 editorial also by the Toronto Star declared Trump is “riding high with the most nakedly anti-immigrant, anti-foreigner appeal seen in the United States since the 1920s,” which is “suicidal for a party already struggling for support among the growing share of the U.S. population that is non-white.”

Donald Trump (L) shakes hands with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford during a news conference to mark the opening of the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Toronto on April 16, 2012.