Donald Trump Wants You to Know That He Really Loves Babies
Trump defended himself against reports that he had kicked a baby out of a rally.

— Des Moines, Iowa -- Today, the Republican nominee wanted the world to know: He really loves babies.
As he delivered remarks to a crowd of a few thousand in downtown Des Moines, Iowa, he sought to defend himself against reports that he had kicked a baby out of a rally earlier this week.
He told the crowd on Friday, "At one of the events, a beautiful baby was crying. And I mean crying like you wouldn’t believe. This baby could’ve been Pavarotti,” he said, referencing the Italian opera singer.
He added as the peals of laughter broke out, "In fact, I’m gonna find out who that baby is. I’m gonna make a deal with the parents, because we can take that baby to training school, and it’ll be the next great Pavarotti. “
On Monday, in Ashburn, Virginia, Trump first said, "I love babies,” then told a mother whose child was crying, "Kidding, you can get the baby out of here.”
On Friday, Trump retold what happened, as he apparently remembered it. “I said, 'Alright,' I actually said the first time, 'Alright, keep the baby here, don’t worry about it.' Then after about two minutes, I said, you know what, I’m gonna counteract my order. 'Beautiful baby, if you take her out, that’s not so bad.' That was it. The whole place laughed, we had a good time,” he said.
As he sought to clarify that he was, indeed, just joking, he decried “dishonest” press coverage and informed the crowd of his love for babies.
"I’ve heard so much about that beautiful baby, beautiful parents, so much. I don’t throw babies out, believe me, I love babies."