The Note: Keeping Up With The Clintons

ByABC News
May 22, 2015, 8:57 AM


--FOLLOW THE MONEY: Last night, the Clinton Foundation released a list of paid speeches by Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea where the payments were donated to the foundation. The amount of the payments, which were not disclosed before last night, could total between $12 million and more than $25 million. (The Foundation provided ranges rather than actual amounts). Some things to note, courtesy of ABCs CHRIS GOOD:

--BANKS: To any Democrats sensitive to Clintons perceived ties to the finance industry, this wont look particularly good. Goldman, JP Morgan, Citi, and Carlyle each donated between $250,000 and $500,000. Charles Schwab gave $100,000 to $250,000, as did Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

--FOREIGN FRIENDS: Thailands ministry of energy paid a boatload, as did Qatar First Investment Bank, the Vancouver Board of Trade, and several other foreign companies. Chinese companies too: Alibaba, Beijing Huaduo Enterprise Consulting Company, China Real Estate Development Group, Xinjiang Hualing Industry & Trade Co., and Zhong Lu Corp.

--CASH FROM CHARITY?: Between $50,000 and $100,00 was paid for a Clinton speech by Chicago House, a social-services group in Chicago that helps people who are disenfranchised by HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ marginalization, poverty, homelessness, and/or gender nonconformity by providing housing, employment services, medical linkage and retention services, HIV prevention services, legal services and other supportive programs, according to its website.

--WHAT THE CLINTON FOUNDATION IS SAYING: In addition to the more than 300,000 donors who are all listed on our website, posting these speeches is just another example of how our disclosure policies go above and beyond what's required of charities, Craig Minassian, Chief Communications Officer of the Clinton Foundation said in a statement. This funding allows the Foundation to effectively and efficiently use our resources to implement programs that are fighting HIV/AIDS and childhood obesity, increasing opportunity for women and girls, lifting people out of poverty and combating climate change."

--THE END OF THE BEGINNING: Hillary Clinton has set the date for her first big campaign rally: June 13. No word on where the event will take place, ABCs LIZ KREUTZ notes, but we do know this: June 13 will officially mark the end of the "ramp up" phase of her campaign. It is possible that former President Bill Clinton could attend the rally as well. It would mark his first official appearance with Hillary on the campaign trail. Meanwhile, Clinton will hold two events in New Hampshire today with more planned in South Carolina, Florida, Texas and Missouri in the coming weeks. Clinton is also adding Georgia, Rhode Island and even New Mexico into the mix. She's scheduled to swing through for fundraisers some time in between. 


THIS WEEK ON THIS WEEK: Sunday on This Week, the powerhouse roundtable debates all the weeks politics, with ABC News contributor and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, CNN political commentator S.E. Cupp, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., and Weekly Standard editor and ABC News contributor Bill Kristol. Check the This Week page for full guest listings. Be sure to use #ThisWeek when you tweet about the program. TUNE IN SUNDAY:



WHO ARE THE GOP CANDIDATES MOST LIKELY TO BE LEFT OUT OF THE DEBATES? If you thought the presidential primary debates were fun last election cycle (remember Oops?), this year could be 2012 on steroids, FiveThiryEights HARRY ENTEN notes. The Republican field has more candidates than in any recent primary, and debate organizers have been wrestling with one main question: How the heck can we fit all the candidates on a stage? The answer from Fox News and CNN (which are separately hosting the first two televised debates) is to invite the top 10 candidates as determined by a national polling average, and leave everyone else out. Fox will average the last five polls that are conducted by major, nationally recognized organizations that use standard methodological techniques. That probably means non-partisan polls conducted by live interviewers. So whos likely to be left out? FiveThirtyEight analyzes which candidates would make a debate held today:




11 QUESTIONS FOR LINCOLN CHAFEE: THE DEMOCRAT WHO THINKS HILLARY CLINTON SHOULDNT BE PRESIDENT (AND MIGHT RUN AGAINST HER). If you havent heard of former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee, youre probably not alone. The little-known Republican turned Independent turned Democrat recently announced that he might run for president. He served a term in the U.S. Senate before being elected governor in 2010. While in the Senate, he was famously the only Republican to vote against the war in Iraq. Now, he may be the only Democrat already taking swipes at 2016 democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, ABC's MARYALICE PARKS writes. He says Clintons vote in the Senate authorizing the Iraq war disqualifies her from becoming president. Could this relatively unknown underdog from a tiny state gain traction as an anti-war candidate? As he continues to explore a run for the White House, ABC News spoke with Chafee this week.

HAPPENING TODAY: President Obama will deliver remarks at the Washington, DC area Congregation Adas Israel in celebration of Jewish Heritage Month, ABCs JORDYN PHELPS notes. It will also be an opportunity for the president to speak directly with the Jewish-American community about the tentative Iran nuclear deal.

HERES ONE THING HILLARY CLINTON LEFT OFF HER LINKEDIN RESUME. Like so many job seekers, Hillary Clinton, has posted her resume to LinkedIn, the social media site that helps professionals connect and find work. She included her education (Wellesley College and Yale Law School), the books shes published, as well as a long list of the various positions she's held throughout her career -- going all the way back to her days as a staff lawyer for the Child Defense Fund and an attorney for Rose Law Firm in Arkansas during 1970s. She even lists her current position: 2016 Presidential Candidate. But there's at least one thing missing from Clinton's extensive resume: Her first -- and failed -- attempt at the same job shes seeking now. ABC's LIZ KREUTZ has more.

JEB BUSH, MARCO RUBIO AND THE PITBULL FACTOR. He's the Florida endorsement Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio may secretly be vying for -- that hugely popular Cuban rapper, Pitbull. In a BuzzFeed profile of Rubio, an unnamed aide, trying to tout the senator's cool factor, alluded to Rubio's hip hop fluency, and citing that he's on a first name basis with Pitbull. But could it be that Rubio doesn't have the market cornered on cool? Appearing on Howard Stern's radio show, Pitbull recently shared a funny story about Bush, ABCs CANDACE SMITH notes. According to Pitbull (whose real name is Armando Perez), the former Florida governor inquired as to how he got his stage moniker. I said, Well, I was on the way to a pitbull fight, and a Dominican friend of mine was like, Yo, that should be your name you're always out here fighting these guys and battling in rap and this, the Miami-born entertainer said. Pitbull continued with a laugh, And Jeb goes, 'Well, good thing you weren't on the way to a cockfight. Pitbull exclaimed: I was [like,] Jeb, that was pretty slick!

SENATE NARROWLY ADVANCES PRESIDENT OBAMAS TRADE BILL: HERES WHY IT WAS SO CLOSE. The Senate narrowly advanced a bill that would give President Obama the fast-track authority to negotiate trade deals with foreign partners. Sixty votes were needed to move forward with the measure, and the Senate voted 62 to 38 in favor of invoking cloture -- setting up a vote on final passage for this week before the Senate leaves for Memorial Day recess. The vote was a squeaker, going down to the wire with many observers unsure how a group of senators, led by Sens. Maria Cantwell, R-Washington, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, threatening to vote against advancing the measure if a vote was not held on the Export-Import bank. Many Senate Democrats, who normally side with the White House on its legislative agenda, opposed the measure over concerns about a lack of amendments and secrecy surrounding the bill, ABC's ARLETTE SAENZ notes.

WHITE HOUSE STICKS BY ITS STRATEGY AGAINST ISIS. The White House says the presidents strategy against ISIS is working, despite the fact that ISIS is in control of much of Syria and has gained control of the capital city of Iraqs largest province. "We are in the degrade portion of this operation, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters in Thursday's press briefing, pushing back against those who are calling for an overhaul of the current strategy and drawing a hard line against the consideration of a large-scale military deployment. The president is not going to be in a position where he's going to consider a large-scale U.S. military deployment, Earnest added. And for those who are calling on a change in strategy, I would encourage them to be specific. Though Earnest said the White House is deeply concerned about the situation in Palmyra, the administration is not changing its current strategy in Syria, ABCs JORDYN PHELPS reports.

NOTED: CUBAN REPORTER ASKS QUESTION AT WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING IN HISTORIC FIRST. It was an historic first at the White House: Press Secretary Josh Earnest took a question from a Cuban reporter during Thursday's press briefing. Welcome to the United States and to the White House, Earnest told a group of visiting Cuban journalists before taking a question from a reporter who identified her affiliation with Cubas government-run national television network, ABCs JORDYN PHELPS reports.



MR. TRUMP GOES TO WASHINGTON: WHAT THE DONALD IS SAYING ABOUT 2016. Its official: Donald Trump is moving to Pennsylvania Avenue. No, not to the most famous address in America, but just down the street, where the real estate mogul turned reality TV star is set to open a luxury hotel in the Old Post Office space. But the sign that reads Coming 2016 and below in big letters Trump over the construction site may turn out to be a double entendre, according to The Donald. ABC's ALI DUKAKIS and RICK KLEIN asked Trump what the chances are that he'll make a bid for the White House in 2016 (he decided against one in 2012). "Very good -- very strong, he told Power Players during a recent interview. I'm looking at it very, very seriously.



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