The Note: Mad dash to day 100

It's a week for the history books.

ByABC News
April 24, 2017, 7:36 AM


Day No. 95

THE BIG STORY: How do you add drama to a shutdown showdown? You complicate it, if you’re the Trump team, by trying to get health care done and tax reform started and the border wall paid for – all this week, all as part of an effort to put points on the board for the first 100 days. President Trump is raising the stakes on his first 100 days – that (to quote him) “not very meaningful” metric that he nonetheless outlined as critical during the campaign and the early presidency – by seeming to push for everything at once. Assuming that there’s strategy here, and not just bluster combined with a lack of understanding of congressional dynamics, this puts Trump’s grand bets about governance all on the line this week. The consequences will be extreme: Either everything is moving again, or the federal government could shut down by week’s end. But if the president is in a deal-making mood, does that start by having his attorney general say it will be the Democrats’ fault if the government shuts down over Trump’s insistence on paying for a border wall?

THE SLEEPER STORY: The superlatives apply, and are not unexpected: No president has been this unpopular at 100 days in the modern history of polling. But the latest ABC News-Washington Post poll depicts a more nuanced political reality that has implications for governing in the Trump era, and for opposing Trump as well. For all the tumult and dashed plans of this presidency, only 2 percent of Trump voters – yes, 2 percent – say they regret their votes. Voters don’t think he’s accomplishing much, and are split almost evenly on the question of whether he’s keeping his promises. Yet more Hillary Clinton voters say they would rethink their votes than Trump voters who say the same about their choice. (If a hypothetical rematch were held today, Trump may actually get the popular vote victory he somehow still believes was rightfully his.) Here’s another stat to greet former President Obama’s return to the public stage today: A full two-thirds of voters say the Democratic Party is out of touch with the concerns of most people. On a related point, one notable area where Trump has broad support, including among Democrats? His efforts to pressure companies to keep jobs in the United States.

THE SHINY STORY: Harrisburg or the Hilton? That’s the question President Trump will be posing for the nation (and the nation’s cable networks) with his decision to hold a “BIG” rally Saturday night in Pennsylvania at the same time as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington, D.C. Surely, no one thought he would order in takeout and put away his phone for the night, once the White House and the president’s staff announced they would not be attending this year’s event. And having other plans doesn’t mean he won’t tweet about the journalists and stars he sees on the Hilton’s red carpet. The event means Trump is marking his 100th day with an act that’s openly hostile to the Washington press corps, which he knows only solidifies his standing with his base. He creates a Saturday night split-screen that the media loathes and large swaths of his base loves, and he even can keep his tux in the closet. It’s unprecedented, yes, but that doesn’t make it dumb.

TLDR: It's a week for the history books: The president will try to get health care and tax reform done, all while trying to keep the government funded before his 100-day mark.

PHOTO OF THE DAY: Over the weekend, the president and first lady visited the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. In this photo, President Trump shakes hands with U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Alvaro Barrientos after awarding him the Purple Heart. "I heard about this and I wanted to do it myself," the president said before pinning the Purple Heart on Barrientos. (Alex Brandon/AP Photo)

PHOTO: President Donald Trump shakes hands with U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Alvaro Barrientos, after awarding him with a Purple Heart, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, April 22, 2017, in Bethesda, Md.
President Donald Trump shakes hands with U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Alvaro Barrientos, after awarding him with a Purple Heart, as first lady Melania Trump, right, stands with Tammy Barrientos second from right, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, April 22, 2017, in Bethesda, Md.
Alex Brandon/AP Photo


--ANALYSIS: TRUMP’S IMPACT EXCEEDS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FIRST 100 DAYS: Amid the chaos and disruption that have defined President Trump's first 100 days, a giant contradiction breaks through. Few modern presidents have accomplished so little in the opening months of their time in office. And yet few modern presidents have done more. Trump has so far failed to deliver on most of the cornerstone commitments of his candidacy. Yet while the "swamp" has not been drained, Trump can claim credit for delivering on a more basic promise to the voters who supported him during the campaign. He has redefined the office of president. ABC’s RICK KLEIN and SHUSHANNAH WALSHE has more:

--WHAT TO EXPECT FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP'S LAST WEEK OF HIS FIRST 100 DAYS: Saturday marks the 100th day of Donald Trump's presidency. While Trump has called the symbolic marker a "ridiculous standard," he is nonetheless pulling out all the stops in the final days beforehand. Among the plans are scheduled executive order signings, speeches and discussions with senators and heads of state. Members of his cabinet will also travel "outside the beltway, spreading the President's message across the country," the White House says. ABC’s ALEXANDER MALLIN and RILEY BEGGIN have a breakdown of what Trump and his cabinet has planned for the week:

--NEW ABC NEWS/WAPO POLL -- PRESIDENT TRUMP AT 100 DAYS: NO HONEYMOON, BUT NO REGRETS: There's no honeymoon for Donald Trump in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, but also no regrets: He approaches his 100th day in office with the lowest approval rating at this point of any president in polls since 1945 -- yet 96 percent of those who supported him in November say they'd do it again, explains ABC's GARY LANGER.

--POWERHOUSE POLITICS PODCAST - 'SHATTERED' AUTHORS: BILL CLINTON PUSHED FOR DIFFERENT TONE IN HILLARY’S CAMPAIGN: Former President Bill Clinton's warnings to speak to swing voters fell upon deaf ears during Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, according to the authors of "Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign," a new book about purported dysfunction inside the campaign team. Political journalists Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen spoke with ABC News’ Political Director Rick Klein and Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl on the newest episode of the Powerhouse Politics podcast about the findings they detailed in their book and the backlash they’re getting from the staffers at the center of it all, ABC’s RILEY BEGGIN notes. The 2016 Clinton team painted itself as "a joyful campaign," Amie Parnes said. "It actually wasn't."


EMISSARY TO THE PRESIDENT: IVANKA TRUMP MAKES DEBUT FOREIGN TRIP. Ivanka Trump is set to make her debut on the world stage Tuesday with her first official foreign trip to attend the W20 Summit in Germany, where she will be received not only as first daughter -- but as one of the closest, most trusted advisers to the president of the United States. At the W20 summit, Ivanka Trump will take part in a high-profile panel on women's entrepreneurship that includes Merkel, IMF Director Christine Lagarde, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, among others. Trump will also visit the U.S. embassy for a meet-and-greet with embassy staff while in Berlin, in addition to visiting a technical academy and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. She will cap her day by attending a gala dinner. ABC’s JORDYN PHELPS has more:

SESSIONS, UNLIKE TRUMP, SAYS DREAMERS ARE 'SUBJECT TO BEING DEPORTED.' Striking a different tone than President Trump on DREAMers, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said they like “everyone that enters the country unlawfully” are “subject to being deported.” The Trump administration has let stand former President Obama's order protecting so-called DREAMers, unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, from deportation. And President Trump said Friday that young people protected under this policy “should rest easy.” ABC's QUINN SCANLAN has more:

AFTER CONTROVERSIAL HAWAII COMMENT, SESSIONS SAYS 'NOBODY HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR.' Attorney General Jeff Sessions says people should lighten up about controversial comments he made earlier this week about the state of Hawaii. When asked on "This Week" about why he referred to Hawaii as an "island in the Pacific," Sessions responded "nobody has a sense of humor anymore." Sessions stirred up controversy this week when he referred to Hawaii as an "island in the Pacific" to conservative radio host Mark Levin on his program, notes ABC's MOLLY NAGLE.

CENTRIST MACRON, POPULIST LE PEN CLAIM VICTORY IN FRENCH ELECTION THAT HAS CONSEQUENCES FOR EUROPE. Far-right populist Marine Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron claimed victory in Sunday's first-round vote in the French presidential election. Besting nine other candidates, the two will now face off in a second and final round on May 7. Celebrating his advancement, Macron addressed supporters in Paris, in a speech that called for unity and reiterated his support for the European Union, writes ABC's PAUL BLAKE.

NORTH KOREA DETAINED A PROFESSOR WHO IS US CITIZEN; AT LEAST 3RD AMERICAN HELD. A U.S. citizen and academic was detained in North Korea while trying to leave the country with his wife on Saturday, a spokesperson for the university that employed him has confirmed. Tony Kim, 58, who goes by jos Korean name Kim Sang-duk, was detained while trying to board a flight to China from Pyongyang's international airport, according to Colin McCulloch, director of external relations at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology. ABC's PAUL BLAKE has more:

CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: 'WE'RE READY' TO FIGHT TRUMP ADMINISTRATION OVER SANCTUARY CITIES. California's top law enforcement officer said his state is "ready" to confront the Trump administration over its funding threats against so-called sanctuary cities. State Attorney General Xavier Becerra responded in an interview on ABC's "This Week" Sunday to warnings by the Trump administration that it could cut funding to sanctuary cities, which are places that limit how much local police forces can cooperate with federal immigration authorities, reports ABC's MICHAEL EDISON HAYDEN.

MIKE PENCE TAKES A BREAK FROM DIPLOMACY TO GO SIGHTSEEING IN SYDNEY WITH HIS FAMILY. Vice President Mike Pence took a brief break from being a statesman on Sunday, instead opting to be a tourist on his last full day in Australia. And like any camera-toting tourist in a foreign land, he was quick to share photos of his excursions on social media, writes ABC's DAVID CAPLAN.


ICYMI - THE MARCH FOR SCIENCE: "On Saturday, people from all over the globe participated in over 600 March For Science events. The marches spanned all seven continents including Antarctica, ranging from an underwater march at the Wake Atols, to a real-life march of the penguins at Monterey Bay Aquarium. The March for Science movement will live past April 22, with specific efforts to protect sound science. Starting today through April 29, the March for Science will encourage supporters to participate in a Week of Action, with daily actions to continue the momentum from the march and promote sustained, coordinated science advocacy." Read more here:


@Sarah_Boxer: "What you campaign on & what you actually do is something that's totally different." - @nikkihaley on France possibly leaving NATO, on @GMA

@justinsink: Some news on our flight to Pago Pago: @vp will trim his trip short by a day, skipping Pearl Harbor tour to get back to D.C. for busy week

@AshleyRParker: Donald Trump's Television Presidency. @costareports and I go inside, where good ratings buy Sean Spicer another day.

@jpaceDC: Trump seemed to distance himself from campaign's 100 day plan: "Somebody put out the concept of a 100-day plan"

@mlcalderone: Trump: “I don’t watch CNN anymore.” AP: “You just said you did.” Trump: No. No, I, if I'm passing it..."

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