The Note: Trump triumphs watching others scramble

July 13, 2018, 5:57 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

A week bookended by pageantry and punctuated by disruption has put the power and pull of President Donald Trump on full display.

Trump sought to upend alliances that have defined the last few decades, and found ready cheerleaders for the endeavor. He played it safe – by his standards – with a Supreme Court pick, and rallied his party behind him there, too.

Friday brings a royal embrace for the president in the United Kingdom, even as he offered an unfriendly welcome to Prime Minister Theresa May, as she wrestles with Brexit.

Back in Washington, House Republicans mounted a brazen spectacle of an attack on the Russia investigation. It helps set up a friendly Trump meeting Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump is doing plenty to make plenty of people take offense. But Trumpism's triumph is in watching others scramble, particularly so long as the president can count on his allies to rally behind him.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

By the end of the week, one chamber in Congress seemed to have fallen apart, while the other was surprisingly intact.

Going into the week, people might have predicted a Senate in shambles.

A few Senate Democrats, after all, were promising to oppose President's Trump nominee to the Supreme Court even before they had a name. And after the formal announcement, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he would fight the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh with "everything I have."

Yes, Senate Democrats have held press conferences and rallies, drummed up progressive activists and, before the microphones, hammered home the fact that Kavanaugh has written about what he sees as sweeping presidential power. But day-to-day, it's seemed par for the course. Tough, but in bounds.

On the other hand, the House on Thursday: out of bounds, out of the norm.

Deputy Assistant FBI Director Peter Strzok testifies before a joint committee hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees on Capitol Hill, July 12, 2018, in Washington.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Members of the Judiciary and Oversight committees questioning FBI agent Peter Strzok literally screamed at each other. From accusations about extramarital affairs levied in public to charges of witness badgering, to claims that Strzok (who sent personal text messages on his work phone harshly critical of President Trump) was either a villain or a victim, the whole group seemed dysfunctional.

The possibility for independent oversight had again turned into partisan finger-pointing.

The TIP with Roey Hadar

It seemed all over for Rep. Joe Crowley when he lost in a shocking upset to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in last month's Democratic primary.

But that's not the case, according to Ocasio-Cortez.

The 28-year-old progressive star accused Crowley of plotting a third-party run against her in a tweet Thursday morning, expressing her frustration that the congressman has yet to call her to formally concede and saying that he "stood her up."

Quite a contrast to Crowley bowing out on election night by singing a version of "Born to Run" dedicated to – Ocasio-Cortez.

Joe Crowley departs the House of Representatives for the weekend following final votes at the Capitol in Washington, June 15, 2018.
J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Although Crowley lost the Democratic primary, he won the Working Families Party line in the same election, and because of New York's unusual election laws, he's basically stuck on the ballot.

The ten-term congressman responded to Ocasio-Cortez in a tweet of his own, stating that "the race is over and Democrats need to come together. I've made my support for you clear and the fact that I'm not running."

The Working Families Party has tried to get Crowley off the ballot by asking him to either change his official residence to Virginia, where his family lives, or run in another race elsewhere in the state.

So far, Crowley has done neither, meaning he's still slated to be on the ballot against Ocasio-Cortez in November - even if he isn't actually running.


  • President Trump and first lady Melania Trump have tea with Queen Elizabeth II at noon ET.
  • President Trump participates in an official greeting and bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May beginning at 5:45 a.m. He departs London at 2 p.m. and heads to his golf course in Turnberry, Scotland.
  • Vice President Pence is in Chicago to address a 'Tax Cuts to Put America First' event 12:30 p.m. and then attends a fundraiser for GOP Rep. Peter Roskam.
  • This Week on 'This Week': Ahead of President Trump's summit meeting with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, Monday, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl anchors "This Week" from Washington, D.C., Sunday, with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos reporting from Helsinki. Plus, the Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, with ABC News Contributor and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Democratic Strategist Donna Brazile, New York Times Washington Bureau Chief Elisabeth Bumiller, and Host of NPR's "Morning Edition" and "Up First" Steve Inskeep.
  • Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page meets behind closed doors with the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees for an interview at 1:30 p.m.
  • Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin sits down for a one-on-one interview with ABC's Robin Roberts on Good Morning America at 7:30 a.m.

    "I am asserting to you that my personal belief does not, did not constitute bias. Every American has political beliefs, every single one. And I would submit to you that the vast majority of those people are not biased individuals." - FBI agent Peter Strzok, defending his anti-Trump texts on Capitol Hill Thursday.


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    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back Monday for the latest.

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