President Trump's schedule for his 1st foreign trip

The details of President Trump's first foreign trip.

ByABC News
May 17, 2017, 4:13 PM

— -- President Donald Trump will travel to five countries over eight days for his first foreign trip as president.

Here is his schedule for his trip, as detailed by national security adviser H.R. McMaster:

Saturday, May 20

After arriving in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s capital, Trump will have coffee with King Salman of Saudi Arabia, attend a royal banquet and hold bilateral meetings with the king, the crown prince and the deputy crown prince.

Trump will participate in a signing ceremony of “several agreements that will further solidify U.S.-Saudi security and economic cooperation."

Trump and the first lady will attend an official dinner with the Saudi royal family.

Sunday, May 21

Trump holds bilateral meetings with Gulf Cooperation Council leaders as well as broader meetings with all Gulf states leaders.

In the afternoon, Trump has lunch with leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries and will deliver “an inspiring, direct speech on the need to confront radical ideology and the president’s hopes for a peaceful vision of Islam.”

Trump participates in the inauguration of a new center to fight radicalism and promote moderation.

Trump participates in a Twitter forum with young people.

Monday, May 22

Trump travels to Jerusalem where he will meet with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and lay a wreath at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, and deliver remarks at the Israel museum.

Trump meets privately later that day with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Trump and the first lady join Netanyahu and his wife for a private dinner.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump speak at a joint press conference at the White House in Washington, Feb. 15, 2017.

Tuesday, May 23

Trump meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem.

Trump pays a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and says a prayer at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

PHOTO: Youth hold their prayer shawls as they stand in front of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayers site in Jerusalem's Old City, May 17, 2017.
Youth hold their prayer shawls as they stand in front of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayers site in Jerusalem's Old City, May 17, 2017. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun
Ronen Zvulun/Reuters

Wednesday, May 24

Trump meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

Trump also meets with the Cardinal Secretary of State and tour St. Peters.

The president meets with Italy's President Sergio Mattarella before departing Rome for Brussels, Belgium.

Thursday, May 25

Trump meets with King Philippe of Belgium and Prime Minister Charles Michel of Belgium and heads of state and government of the host country of the NATO alliance.

Trump heads to the European Union headquarters in Brussels to meet with the European Union and the European Council presidents.

Trump holds a working lunch with the newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron.

In the afternoon, Trump will deliver remarks at unveiling of NATO’s memorial in front of a piece of the Berlin Wall and World Trade Center.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis will join Trump for NATO leaders meeting and dinner before traveling to Sicily, Italy.

Friday, May 26

Trump attends the G7 Summit in Sicily and meets with leaders including Italy’s Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

In the evening, Trump attends a concert of the La Scala Philharmonic followed by leaders dinner hosted by the president of Italy.

Saturday, May 27

Before departing for Washington, D.C., Trump speaks to American and Allied servicemen and their families, recapping highlights and accomplishments of the trip.